

  • Confusion


    I am frustrated and tired
    thats how most of my poems are inspired
    The confusion is almost too much to take
    There are too many decisions to make
    I can't keep my thoughts and feelings in line
    Every one keeps telling me "just give it time"
    There is such a fine line between
    right and wrong
    the days are so short
    The nights are so long
    I am not sure I can make it through another day
    I keep begging silently for some one
    to show me the way
    I want to go home, but I want to stay
    Either way some one will pay
    I will pay with my mind and my heart
    I just wish the healing would start

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    optimistic commented on Confused


    Excellent poem

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    EvilEyes’s Poems (22)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    What Do You See 1
    Stuck Unloved 1
    Bruised 0
    Come With Me 6
    Sitting Here Thinking 4
    Have You Ever Danced With Fear 8
    Depression 3
    Erotically Yours the pg version 12
    Confused 1
    My Three Angels 5
    Drifting Into Calmness 7
    Eyes 3
    My Love For Her 4
    Not Mine 3
    Thank You Daddy 8
    I promise 1
    Over Dose 3
    Red and Silver 4
    Numb 8
    Missing You 5
    Voices 3
    Every Day Suicide 7