For Chris..


  • Love

    For Chris..

    Every girl has someone who is meant for her
    Whether he is tall, short, fat, or thin what matters most is what lies
    She has to get that feeling when she looks in his eyes
    Like every bad thing that has happened to her,every bad feeling
    suddenly it dies
    She needs to know that she has all his trust, that she can believe
    everything he says
    For that is a must
    She has to be able to be completely herself around him
    Able to do something crazy, at the blink of an eye, on a whim

    He has to make her feel like shes everything, the one
    Like their journey together 'will be long and it's just begun
    He has to touch her like it's the end of the world
    Like she's his only, most important girl
    He has to love her with all of his heart
    Showing her that they will never ever part

    They need to treat each other with respect
    Nothing less..that what they both should expect
    They should start each day anew, fresh
    Forgetting all the negativety from the previous day and only worrying
    about the next
    They need to be honest talk about how they feel
    Thats how they keep their love alive and keep it real
    They need to cherish and show each other their love as much as they can
    Just like when their love was new, when it first began
    Most importantly they need to remember that she is not a perfect
    woman and he is not a perfect man

    That love is complicated and that it takes work
    And yes sometimes it is going to hurt
    But when there is trouble,pain, and hurt
    That is when you stick together, when you make it work
    And that is TRULY being in love
    Making it work,sticking it out, putting up a fight, giving it your all,your
    heart,and alot of
    Because you see anything worth having is worth fighting for
    Being with the one you love is worth dying for
    Caring about each other when times look grim
    Because SHE is ME and YOU are HIM

    Poem Comments


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    Chaos128 commented on For Chris..


    True love ain't for slackers, Nay, but I can see you already know that. If your people followed your guidelines, the world would be whole lot mellower. But people get the bad habit of making up their own rules to suit their convenience... and that's where the trouble starts. Not only great writing, but great insight as well. Big props and high marks from me!



    For cryin' out loud, not "your people", just people! My people ARE your people.



    thanks so much!

    phatdaddee commented on For Chris..


    This poem is on point! Favorite line: He has to touch her like it's the end of the world I have touched like that before! It is a feeling of desperation, as if, death, at that very moment, would be a welcomed visitor, except for the fact that it would totally ruin the mood! Thanks for sharing!

    lilDarken commented on For Chris..


    thats wats up girl i totally agree!!!! thats exactly how i feel about my hubby charles!!!!! this is sweet good job girl!!

    Chrisjan commented on For Chris..


    This is another masterpiece of your heart felt desires, in poetry form. Keep up the awesome visions !

    dcdrifta commented on For Chris..


    thats a creative way of expressing it... its neat

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    NayInLove’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My Imagination 21
    sunk 46
    a tough decision 30
    girl across the room 42
    Divine Intervention 151
    Your Kiss 45
    In my bed 28
    perfect sin 40
    Gray Cloud 35
    For Chris.. 23