Original Poetry Forums

To Twitter or not to Twitter

06-29-2009 at 02:16:11 PM

To Twitter or not to Twitter

Hey again OP netizens,

I keep seeing twitter advertised and was wondering what you guys thought of it. A couple of people have asked me if I use it, so I signed up. I'm not exactly sure of the value of twitter. I'd like your takes on this new medium.

My twitter if interested is emotionography.

Side note: On the way back from picking up the grandkids yesterday and driving through Missouri, my wife asked me exactly what they mean by the "show me state"...I explained it the best I knew and had an epiphany...
I think their motto should be "Missouri loves company"...
no offense Missourites..just seems more up to date with the new popularity of Branson and all.

06-30-2009 at 06:54:10 PM

Re: To Twitter or not to Twitter

I say we post up there like Sylvesters, and take over the 9090909 joint. Word, Lol, smile

06-30-2009 at 07:05:23 PM

Re: To Twitter or not to Twitter

I posted something saying 9090909 Whoops! tongue rolleye

07-01-2009 at 08:04:55 AM

Re: To Twitter or not to Twitter

I work with software and am around some really talented folks..I asked one of my good friends the value of twitter and he said you have 140 characters to send a message to your friends and let them know what you're doing...I replied, "like a text"? "Yes, like one limited to 140 characters"..

I still don't really get it.

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)