Original Poetry Forums

Your Eyes

09-30-2009 at 02:26:21 PM

Your Eyes

People look from them,they
look into them...fall into them...look through them-like windows...
your eyes...

I know they smile
i know they cry
i know they sparkle
i know they dance
i know they have seen beauty-as well as saddness
i know i have seen into them
i know i am mesmorized by them
i know they are beautiful
i know i love them
i know i have fallen deeply into them
Fallen so far-
so far I am lost
i don't know how to climb or find my way out
even if u want me too-or if i wanted or need too
I'm lost in them forever-for always....

09-30-2009 at 05:50:29 PM
  • niteman
  • niteman
  • Posts: 33

Re: Your Eyes

Debbie,,,I like this one as well,,,I think some people has a way with words and you are one of them,,,keep up the great work,,,thank you so much,,,Niteman, grin

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.