Original Poetry Forums


12-09-2009 at 10:10:46 PM
  • poetography
  • poetography
  • Posts: 608



she peered over her book

and he , his folded paper.

they both ordered seated

at opposite sides of the

mid-afternoon cafe.

his wine red , hers white.

the room tingled -

her plate arrived

he glanced – she covered ,

his lunch followed.

brown male eyes wandered

greeting her light ice windows.

two buttons on her

blouse newly undone ,

he noticed and

her neck red-heat,

she rubbed it -

he watched.

eyes lifted – attracted -

across the room

as soft music mingled

with wines warmth.

she rose – he followed.

he held the door ,

“ may i”

“ why of course”

he bagan…

“ no need – i know’’ , said she

“just follow” said she -

“i will” said he .

click-click her well dressed

heels on city side walk -

elevator ascends ,

nervous warm hands meet lock

with cool key -

her apartment ,

clean – fresh ,

light streaming in .

light kisses -

hands lead hands

to comfort.

three blouse buttons less ,

zippers , buckles,

clasps – all drop.

caress ,

explore ,

gentle and

restrained patience .

he whispers –

“ your fantasy?”

she “ it’s too private”

he waits ,

she tells .

her pillows so soft -

he presses down .

to her ear his lips

her fantasy he imagines

as her body rises to his -

they meet .

moving together

he whispers

with lips and tongue .

thighs pulse ,

shoulders press -

muscles hold ,

the wine – the

music the food ,

hidden privacy – beautiful .

flesh and taste .

all visions of the day

become one instant -

everything perfect .

to be alive – to be man –

to be woman ---

hearts recover -

beating within chests ,

silk sheets refresh -

drift in and out of

sugar sweet sleep.


A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.