" Time to Pay the Rent " Preface and Dedication of a new book
" Time to Pay the Rent " Preface and Dedication of a new book
Preface ( comments appreciated on this rough draft format - please wiki my work )
If it were not for the dial on my inexpensive digital camera
getting stuck in between picture and video , I do not think that
“Time to Pay the Rent “would have been written. The profound event
I had witnessed in October, 2007, when two former combatants of war met on a porch in Rach Kien Town , Vietnam , over tea, discussing
death in the fields in 1968 directly around where we were seated; simply failed to record on my video. I was left instead with eight seconds of a tea pot - a
few garbled words – but a deep realization of what had transpired had to be recorded – and documented. So had my unsteady hand operated my camera properly – a video would have been made , probably passed around to friends and then posted on YouTube and lost in the vast and ever expanding universe of self made videos.
Instead - I remained awake all night – when we returned to our hotel in Saigon, and wrote down everything I had heard , seen and felt -- all things leading up the ten minutes on the porch and all things after . The ten minutes became forty years .
Over the span of three years Time to Pay the Rent expanded and developed
And is now the story which is before you. The process could not have been rushed; it needed the full three years for the story to mature .
I would like to dedicate this book to my cousin Michael and all the soldiers he served with in Vietnam; those he knew and those he never met ; those who remained and those who returned home ; those who came home whole and those who left parts of themselves in Vietnam -
- physically noticeable or within the minds they returned with.
This dedication applies to the soldiers and civilians of Vietnam and also to all the families on both sides who suffered.
comments appreciated on this rought draft format - please wiki my work
Re: " Time to Pay the Rent " Preface and Dedication of a new book
I will get back to you on this
as the next few days and week are
demanding much of my time away from
my writing and reading.
To start: always put the title in quotations, everywhere it appears
in this writing and any other. " Time to Pay the Rent "
Peace and Light,
" Time to Pay the Rent " Preface and Dedication of a new book
Thank you Dahlusion
Re: " Time to Pay the Rent " Preface and Dedication of a new book
I am looking forward to editing this for you,
maybe this week.
Happy holidays!!
" Time to Pay the Rent " Preface and Dedication of a new book
Thank you D