Original Poetry Forums


01-10-2010 at 03:06:08 PM


January 09, 2010
Hello, I am, Jacqueline a disable, apostle and a servant of God. I took some paragraphs from the “New Catholic Answer Bible inserts” because I want people to take care of themselves especially their children or having children.
“To contracept is to willfully exclude the possibility of a conception that could result from a casual act. The widespread practice of conception in our day reflects the common attitude that children are more a burden than a blessing. But that notion is utterly alien to Scripture”.
I will use myself as an example I am not ready to have children yet. I admit it is my fault to belong within the group of people that has the youthful tendency to rush things in our society who practice casual sex before marriage. Although it is not included in the 10 Commandment; it is included in Christ’s policy and I confessed my sins to Fr. Alex, the pastor of St. Andrew Catholic church, Daly City.
“In Psalms and Proverbs, for example, we hear a constant refrain about the great joy of being parents and grandparents, even many times over: “Children too are a gift from the Lord, / the fruit of the womb a reward. / “Blessed are they whose quivers are full” (Ps 127:3-5). “Grandchildren are the crown of old men” (Prv 17:6). To biblical mothers and fathers, bareness was not a convenience, but a curse (see Dt 28:18; jb15:34)”.
The thought of having the great joy of being a parent before marriage creates similarities with a thought in having the great amount of difficulties during our adolescence preparing to enter adulthood. There’ are more to learn in life, yet some teens thought they are ready to be an adult because I thought I was. Master (God) made birth control because He knows it can help His people and because some are careless.
“The constant teaching of the Catholic Church has been to prohibit contraception. This prohibition was in fact taught by all major Christian groups until 1930. Spacing of children or limiting of children for serious reason is permitted, according to Pope Paul VI’s 1968 cyclical Humane and Catholic moral teaching. But this limitation just come about through natural rather than artificial means such as natural family planning (NFP) so that the act remains open to the possibility of transmitting new life, which is part of its natural purpose”.
I thought the word “Spacing” is having freedom to not have any child when we are not ready yet. Would we rather have an abortion rather than preventing to have a child because it can cause a burden to us? Limiting is another, because in America women works. Sometimes Parents don’t have the time to spend with their children, as a result these adolescence or teenagers are learning from outside home.
“One biblical text cried in support of this truth concerns the grave sin of Onan, who sought the physical pleasures of sexual acts while preventing the possibility that they might produce children: Whenever he had relations with his brother’s widow, he wasted his seed on the ground to avoid contributing offspring for his brother. What he did greatly offended the Lord and he took his life too” (Gn 38:9-10)”.
In our world today, children cost money. To some, we cannot end having pleasures of sexual act. Often times some people use sexual intimacy to have happiness and God is for happiness of people as long as they take care of themselves. A reason why He brought the manager of Adult toy for me to guide because he just needs to be informed the truth about God. Adult toy is the one safe tool to use for a natural contraception.
“Contraception is contrary or opposed to our “sexual nature” and the innate purposes for which God created it. Every marital sexual act must be open to the possibility of conception”.
What happened for those who are not married yet like me? Temptation can happen to people and often times we cannot help ourselves unless we’re really aware of the positive especially the negative sides of sexual intimacy. Sometimes the unmarried couple is not aware of the problems it will give them and the result is to have an abortion.
I will leave two questions in your minds. Which act does the Church not want to happen for the unmarried couple, stopping having a child or killing a child through abortion? Other married couples are not able to take care of the additional child, does the church want some family’s to have problems if they have another child?
I am thankful not to have a child yet because there are things I still do not understand. I thank God for creating my “Aviene” birth control, as I’m learning different strategies of how to handle living in our complicated world and I am asking the church to permit the use of contraception to lessen abortion, thank you.
Jacqueline R. Mendoza
124 B San Diego Avenue
Daly City, CA. 94015

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.