The Eastern Darkness, Demons of the Sand Lands (Poets of Blood)
"From the pits of darkness,
lurks the cities under the sand,
Silence boils up,
Hearing the faint screams of torcher...."
Giggling Demons machinate
like a family reunion with plans so great
Boiling even more,
is the kettle of eastern demon lore.........
Just wait till the burning infirmary is set a blaze,
Out will come the hidden tribes,
And all forgotten slaves.
With their torn robes that they once had worn with pride,
Now are ripped apart,
And only fear now resides.
These people live in hunger,
With no bread to eat.
Surrounded in the violence and greed,
Who will wipe the blood from their feet.
Look in the distance!
A figure bearing arms.
This land is now only his land,
Citizens now become slaves,
To their own farms.
Yes, this land is now his land,
And sadness is all that is left.
Endless days and nights of labor,
Brings the welcomed whispers of death.
Bodies lay helplessly
Torn apart by wind and sand
Their bones
A scorpions playground
Their blood nourishing
The ground
Creating an oasis
For the Damned.
Creatures of the sand lands
are generating screams
Human captives, now, to the
eastern darkening gleam
Touching its light, to the hot black O'wick
Watch the burning of the desert candlestick
The moon cries, return,
return to your lands
Replace them with your kind
Remove the worthless man
grotesque beings
blood thirsty carnivores
lurking, looming
waiting to pounce
wherever their endeavors lead
with a demonic ringing
loud in their heads
(kill kill kill)
using man as a sacrificial lamb
The moon turns to blood,
As these evil demons being the feed.
Like a wild hound,
Ripping and tearing at the flesh of the deceased.
Gorging on the bastard children that were left behind,
Chasing and pouncing on their backs,
On these helpless few they dine.
Their will be no surrender to the weakness
as the evil roams the sandy seas
The woman, children and all the weak
shall shudder with fear as they are brought to their knees
With blood on their faces and sadness shaken
no more tears fall for the fallen
but a harsh silence gleaming
These beings, so called beings take the knife to gut them like fish
the forgotten slaves take what was once theirs
their land full of bodies and weeping
yes this is his land...
his land, his bloody hand in which we all dread.
As this bloody demon is here to take back his wreck.
As the forgotten slave he will rise again.
You're called fierce demon warriors
Chief figure beckons you to follow
Rise up all!!! From the down,
Orgasire' puts together
platoons from the Hollowed Ground
The dark armies chant
come, come,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Orgasire
You are alarming, darling
come, come,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Orgasire
to the desert fire, to the desert fire,
You're released from your jail
Hail, Hail......
Oh stand up to him you pitiful coward,
Shouts an angry widow to be…
These weak and dying men,
Are no match for these forces,
They have already drowned in the sea.
This sea of evil that quenches into the heavy sand,
But eases no trust to any honorable man.
As the demons of fire rise to their feet
these broken land will soon be free
They take the swords to be-head the weak
as the Chief figure screams
rise my fellow slaves "Orgasire"
its time for world war three
Kill the men and ravage the women
chain the children, and destroy all in your path
We as slaves are free at last.
No man will forget our names
We are superior, the better race.
Now take what is left and burn it....
we are the beast from the fiery flames.
Alone and in the darkness,
Sits a small boy who cries.
For at his feet,
The lifeless ravaged body of his mother lies.
In the nakedness he sees the bite marks on her breast,
Where once on her bosoms his head would rest.
Tears of salt mixed with hatred,
Run down his face.
As streams of blood that flow freely,
From her veins pools onto the floor,
She has made her escape.
The scent of the salted tears
roamed in the air picked up,
by these fierce demon warriors
now on the trail
of this frail boy
escaping is a must
before he too is eaten
and the leftovers erode to dust
So as he makes way to freedom
he feels a hand touch his shoulder
a woman that was brought down
begs and pleads...
"help me" she whispers
this boy has no time to think
He takes her hand
drags her along but she is slowing his progress,
He takes a sward and lobs off her head.
survival kicks in, and he soon realizes its me or them.
Hundreds fallen among the gore,
Shadows dance across the ground in horror,
demons feasting on the faces of the raped,
Alive with little chance to escape.
Mores are forgotten,
Surviving hell forsaken,
The land is guarded by a fiery gate,
Vengeance becomes your only fate.
Humanity had Godless wonder
Now they reap Orgasires''''''' thunder
Sow, sow, bestow
Winged soldiers-
thro, thro, thro
your love for blood
Blood is your love
Hello dark vengeance,
I make this pledge to you.
Carry my blade across my enemy’s necks,
For this is the only thing left,
For me to do.
I’ll give you my blood,
After they are all slain.
My blood will surly spill,
Across this desert plane.
Shouts the boys,
With sword held high.
The dark vengeance streaks across his face,
Like lightning in the sky.
The demons scream and dance full of violence.
There lust for blood sends them across the sands.
They search for all who are left still breathing.
The flesh they eat and blood they drink from all who ran.
The boy stands strong and motionless.
The sword held tightly in his hand.
He feels them coming for his flesh and blood.
But, fearless he will make his stand.
Then ... from behind - and without warning,
The Beast of the Sand Land rises from it's crimson lair
While the unsuspecting boy stands back turned toward it -
totally oblivious and unaware.
The Beast slashes the boy with his razor sharp claws
And then rips off his head with it's vise like jaws.
Tearing thru flesh and bone -savoring the virgin taste
Licking the last of the innocent's blood - not letting a precious drop go to waste.
From the East - the Darkness has risen ,,,
To the West it travels and roams
To the North and South, neither are forgiven
Thus, this evil permeates the Globe.
+ + + + + + +
It's the End of this God forsaken planet ,,,
For the Beast has now declared it - it's own.
It summons and free the Spawn of Hell's seed,
Chanting ....
You're released from your jail
Hail, Hail......
It's now the Demons of the Sand Land's home .......
Oh hail ye lasting blade,
thirsting for the blood of jade,
all my demons are now resurrected,
Ogasire has left me naked,
Orgasire shivers as dawn approaches.
For the savage King Hrolf and his Champions rise from their beds.
King Hrolf and his Champions from the far land of Denmark.
Raise from dreams of darkness where demonic hoards take human heads.
King Hrolf and his Champions speak of their evil dreams.
They decide to suit up with armor, sword, and shield.
To travel into the sands to seek these dark demons.
To slay them and their lord Orgasire upon the battlefield.
They set sail quickly, going to the land of sand.
Seeking blood, death, carnage and fierce battle, their ready for the fight.
With swords held high and brandishing great armor and shields.
They go into battle screaming death to the evil or to Valhalla I go tonight!!!
We, she-demons under Lord Orgasires' command
Summons to evoke the element of earth with our hand
We bekon you who owns this land
to rebuke thy foes march into quick sand!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hail!, Hail! Orgasire!!!
Oh what woe is this?
The sand turns to liquid under their feet!
6 of the 13 drown in sand.
King Hrolf shakes his fist with dark magic they cheat!
King Hrolf and his 6 champions left.
Flee to Egypt to seek brave magical adepts.
There is but, one with enough power.
King Hrolf must convince him to except.
The powerful Abijah who know the Deep Magic.
Long forgotten in the ageless endless unforgiving sands.
He excepts the offer of King Hrolf's pounds of gold!
He makes-ready taking the forgotten book of Jerzand.
The waves of sheer hatred,
intense telepathic bursts of commands
jamming signals causing weapons to turn to dust
Fear is full through the Sand Lands, fear, fear, fear
We are bigger than we appear, Blood Lust
Black clouds paint the skies,
Silence screams threw the calm before the storm,
An army of hell approaches,
The world becomes....
Eastern darkness,
Demons march in hoards,
Into the land of sand.....
Chuckled Michael the archangel.
From up high on a beautiful cloud.
Smiling down on the fray.
Then in a voice clear and loud.
Don't be a fool Abijah son of Kijamon.
Summoning Leviathan to destroy this demonic dark plague.
Is not thy brothers Lord's word a sharp sword?
Is is faith in God not a shield and armor for Ardon the sage?
Michael, Michael
Blood seeps upon, we, mankind
We verbally request
With free will
The lights joy and wonder
to put the demons to rest
We are human warriors
growing weary and tired
We watch for you, and the Angel nest
We know you are there
We need heavens fiery.. crest
Ha ha ha, I laugh at you!
Have you not drunk the Devil's wine?
Even if we did come, to save you mankind.
It would only take one angel from God's vine!!!
You with forked tongue now plead.
Deal with this yourself you human fiends!!!
Search your world for sages of the true God.
On angels of Him you will not lean!!!
Though the angels confidence is really fear
led by a general that likes to hide
a battle to the death would be most severe
fore these demons have no laws which to abide
feasting on those who are his image
morbidly laughing at the worlds demise
the demons treat this battle like a scrimmage
until once and for all there is a war for these skies
A war for these skies
such beautiful lies
To hold and cherish while they scream
Where were the angels
As the world bled nightmares, not dreams
Take your greed and angry lust
No time to save you from the unjust
Lose your way, no gates open for you
The heavens have forsaken the untrue
when heaven rejects the unjust foes,
the devil accepts their lustful throws,
fallen angels, wings afire,
come to the depths of your desire,
succumb to temptations hand,
survey the dark and twisted land,
on his throne the devil waits,
for rejects from the pearly gates.
a woman's scorn has surely seen it's day
now second to the wrath of demons at play
where nature was once well and alive
living beings are just trying to survive
angrily consumed of god being unfair
but not quite ready to go home to the devil's lair
They know your deepest fears,
And they thirst for terror and tears.
As old as time, hidden 'beneath the sand
Your life and soul is their bloody demand.
You can run, and you can pray,
But in the end you're always prey.
Cry and beg, hide behind your hand,
But you can't ever escape the monsters in the sand.
Like zombies they come fourth
Driven by hunger for vengeance..
They screech and scream
but no one else can hear it.....
They rise, they rise...
Until the last grave is empty.
The sandy sea spread across the world like a disease
And when the last grave is empty and the last ray of hope has been stolen
The damned will spread across this planet until the very last human is sucked in to the blackness.
Hidden underground they seek the cure to saved the already damned
But as time is running out and all reasoning had dissolved. They stand abandoned by their Gods. Nothing more left but their former slaves.
They will be nothing more than a meal for the creatures of the soil.
The sandy sea will keep them coming. Our week planet over run with the legions of the damned. They will be destroyed, as the sandy seas takes back their sand.
Turn down this dial, awhile, please
kill the radio, daddio, trance
or chain of thought, I bought
the bigman's pistola, ya know
the whoa manchild rears, fears
his light, I reach for a beer.
Now these veins and entrails fall
from my chin, your gore
in my smile.
KILL! KILL! KILL! Sweet Medusa,
sinners we are, war
on the ravaged bodies
of unborn babies, baring their
fangs for blood, the rabies, my
thoughts of a better world.........
Redeemer's sin and sin's delight,
shall take from her
in screams this night.
Pain shant come in only waves
and pain shall sing
this dormant grave.
Redeemer's sin and sin's delight
all obscured in morning's light.
Sorrows watch, wash over me,
accounts for naught to covet naught
to silence thee.
Two thousand miles away
the century old White Wizard
awakes abruptly from his decade long trance
with a single tear
running from his bright blue eye
Summoning the group of elders
he tells them his visions of the great battle
between good and evil in the far off place
and they quickly gather atop the tallest mountain
to begin their chant
using magic as old as the first grain of sand
they call upon the power of the light
to descend upon the great battle
to nourish the weakened soldiers
who fight for their very lives
The blackened sky above the battlefield
begins to swirl in a gigantic spiral
wind picks up blowing the ash and sand
the sky opens from the powerful ray of light
that causes the undead to fall to the ground
revitalizing the weakened men, and healing their wounds
Deep in the underworld the ground shakes
from the staggering power of the great wizards
Knocking the master of darkness to the ground
Looking up with fire in his eyes
he rises holding his arms high
and with evil and rage
a large ball of fire forms above his hands
he launches it towards the tomb
of the long dead pharaoh
The tomb explodes to dust
and the man-god emerges
floating on wings of fire
ready to gather his forces
ready for battle
The master of darkness hungry for blood
calls upon the undead once more
from the muck and mire of the festering swamps
the creatures arise with only one mission
to destroy the wizards
the wizards still in chant
foreseeing the oncoming army of evil
call upon the armies of man
to guard the base of the mountain
the most capable and strongest of knights
answered the call
they also summon a legion of heaven's
strongest angels to aid in the great desert battle
and like a pouring rain of hope and light
they descend within the ongoing battle
The true lords of humanity were born there forty thousand years ago when it was a vast jungle home to colors unknown even in this day.
The last and greatest of them ruled her domain with the solid confidence of fairness.
The desert was by then fact, but this didn't matter.
She could walk across it without dying of thirst.
Her subjects could as well.
They didn't die from thirst because they had never been slaves, only inhabitants.
She was able to demonstrate this idea successfully until the Interloper was born.
It eventually matured into the design created by its father, a giant who spoke only gibberish, though it had in its power two mighty hands covered in bronze.
Together, they blasted her works with such fiery conviction that her subjects soon forgot about her simple cues.
Because the Interloper was handsome, his charisma became a charm soon worshiped.
It didn't take long to domesticate sheep.
Mesmerized, they followed him into the desert and soon realized that their throats were dry. They couldn't even scream for help, and besides, she wouldn't have been able to hear them; Those sounds were outside her spectrum.
They were now his slaves tortured into submission.
The Interloper triumphantly announced her blame.
Those still alive were commanded to find her, rape her, and rip her throat out.
The blood which spilled was then absorbed by the somber earth who was witness to her slaughter. It was turned into oil as a memorial.
As revenge.
That was all it could do.
The millions of souls the Interloper starved lived on in an afterlife of regret.
Forever haunting the innocent they still seek blood, but don't know why.
The demons graze forth,
No longer lost, Of time,
a kicking and screaming,
Most have vanished mind.
Un holy travelers that come,
From evils phantom down,
Taking indigent souls,
Conquering vengeance from within.
They surface out of no where,
Watching, collecting, souls lost,
Slovenly the demons circle
Ripping off all lost pride,
Watch the path you’ve
Chosen, or death will
Start to grin, Choose your
Weapons well, or suffer
Life again!
The shadows over powers
The light. All is black as
Midnight. The chasm is
Looking back the mirror image
On the darkness shines back showing
The demons as all is lost. No mere
Man can prevail the mêlée so giving up
To the malevolence and stepping into the
darkness is the only option. Shattering and
A kicking I go enforced and pulled trying
To keep my grip on myself but the sword
Has no worth here. The demons unpeel me
From within tearing off every layer
Of me till what is left is a shallow slice
Of my soul . Obscurity evoke me tearing
At me like a projectile imploding my inner
Self till the summit of achievement no
Longer exist. Attainment for the luminosity
I have fallen and union the rank of legion
Lost to the sultry winds in the sands of time!
This Arab Knight,
dressed in white,
a warrior so bold,
his heart ever so cold,
you search for your Queen, Shiba,
Oh, holy Goddess,
come to me,
here I do pray,
on my knees,
I bow before thee.
You whisper thy name,
ever so sweet,
it caresses thy cheek
on bended knee, I do pray.
To me, You say,
O handsome knight,
come before me,
I am your Goddess, your Queen,
No one thou before me,
To me your heart belongs,
this in time shall see,
on bended knee,
Doth love me?
Yes, my Queen, doth thou loves,
so great and so sweetly,
I am but meekly before thee.
In your presence,
my heart flutters,
on bended knee,
I do bow my head.
For you, I will do anything to appease,
put faith in thee,
for You, I do surrender,
my beautiful Queen.
Till thy dying days,
I do surrender,
and thy ground, thee walks on.
My faith in you grows,
O humble Knight,
on bended knee, you do pray.
You shall serve thee, for eternity,
on bended knee,
till your last dying day