The Mask Of Fear And Doubt (An Interactive Poem)
The Mask Of Fear And Doubt (An Interactive Poem)
Anybody want to take a crack at a storyline?
There he knelt
in the middle of the smoke filled room
the fire spreading quickly
the sound of sirens in the distance
slowly getting louder sealing his demise
blood in pools on the floor all around him
scattered bodies litter the room, motionless, lifeless
he quietly gazes
looking down at the gun in his hand
the object that shattered his childhood
and transformed his fairy tale life
into the vengence filled journey
that spanned 11 years
a slight smile comes to his face
as he remembers a time in his life
before he knew hate
before he knew vengence
before the world was on fire
Last edited by Artie 01-23-2010 at 09:45:44 AM
RE: The Mask Of Fear And Doubt (An Interactive Poem)
I remember now...
a time of laughter
a time of light
when mom had dinner on the table
and dad came home every night
he'd take off his badge
and hand it to me
and I would polish it for hours
handling it so carefully
He was a man of honor
who stood for what he believed
but guys like him had a number
and his was called way too early
they came late, and silent
in the middle of the night
I heard the shots, the screams
and hid under the bed
until the end of the fight
I was afraid to move
all I could do was cry
then my bedroom door opened
and blood soaked feet
walked to my bedside
It was not my mother or my father
then he dropped to his knees
thrusting his arm under the bed
grabbing at me
I screamed and yelled
I tried to fight
he dragged me out
I was bound and gagged
and stolen away, to the night
Last edited by Artie 01-23-2010 at 09:31:08 AM
RE: The Mask Of Fear And Doubt (An Interactive Poem)
Mask of Fear and Doubt
I’m eighteen going on forty-five
My Mask is fear. I doubt I’m alive
When trouble is coming, I meet it head on
I ravage the night and crash at the dawn
Don’t look in these eyes, orbs of black
Fear hides a viper, coiled to attack
The last friend I had was the fifth of never
Caught him stealing my coin, wasn’t so clever
Just like the losers who stole childhood days
Became the flush of a moment: I laid them waste
The days of my torment began with their meeting
And now I look in the mirror, my mask is bleeding
For with all the power I have for wrath
My tendency is another path
My enemies razed for deadly vice
This heart becomes encased in ice
Full armor cracked and bones are racked
I’m losing track as my mind goes back
To boyhood dreams with no fear of falling
Sweet vengeance has become appalling
What of my family heritage days
When I knew I was loved, ever safe
From the demonic tirades spewing lies
And evil’s suffrage, is hope’s demise
I have faint remembrance of Dad’s stories
Hearing the words of a coming strange glory
With Mom sitting close with eyes of love
To be dispensed in my heart like rain from above
A powerful strength would be mine for the asking
But cruel captors disguise my spirit by masking
The destined sum of all hidden truth
Buried in Dad’s tales while in my youth
RE: The Mask Of Fear And Doubt (An Interactive Poem)
my childhood was not one of bliss
my mother known often to hiss
and when dad was home, a raised fist
but there is no blame
the arrows take aim
and fall on the target or miss.
we bleed our red blood
here it is...
observe here, write what ‘tis
i’m in a black mood
let it not be argued
we will see what is true
in the blood that is spewed.
RE: The Mask Of Fear And Doubt (An Interactive Poem)
The blood that has been spewed
Shed for lessons or those not in control
Doubt noy physiology for healing is near
Strength renewed vitallity embraced
RE: The Mask Of Fear And Doubt (An Interactive Poem)
This poem is working able....
When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.
John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA