Original Poetry Forums

HELP !! Trouble with/on My Page

03-11-2010 at 02:05:56 PM

HELP !! Trouble with/on My Page

# 1. It first started out when i attempted to post a poem...I encountered great difficulty with that... then oh no.....the system knockin' me out...

#2. I tried to Login ..it did not recognize my name ..
I tried sendin' a message for assistance and there was no place for me to click on, my boyfriend even sent out a message for me..
(I toyed with it...it took a while ,I was clickin' everywhere Possible ... but i managed to get in...YAY!)

#3. It's very disappointing...because my page caught Ghost....Literally...
There are NO icons No pictures of my Friends and Family showin' whatsoever in any manner in any area of my/or other page...

#4. Postin' this is also a hit and miss...i had to pretty much guess where that little tab was to click on to get me here ...and do the same to send this message ( I had a time sendin' off a birthday wish to a friend..on a thread )

#5. If anyone else has had such a run in with their page...as I have w/mine .oh please do so... let me know what I am doin' Wrong...and what I can do to correct it..from my end.

A response to this would be greatly appreciated ...
Thank You well in advance ....Love and Light.....

Tierra @}-'-,-

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.