Original Poetry Forums

Demonic Transfer

04-04-2010 at 12:09:10 PM

Demonic Transfer

Posts: 98
Demonic Transfer
** This is going to be my first attempt at horror. I think it could be really good, if there is one other that would like to share in writing this story/poem. Hope it doesn't make me a b*tch, to say I'd like only one participant. My idea is to get another involved that's dedicated with keeping it going, but not so many participants that it becomes hard to work with.** Hope that's not a stupid request. If you decide to add the next paragraph, please plan on sticking to it through the end. ** I'd like to be able to contribute this one to Alexis' bleed for the cause, so I want it to be good, and scare the hell outta ya once finished. **

Ofcourse, they have the right to edit all they see fit when finished....

Demonic Transfer

Demonize she said with a smirk. She was speaking of the new leader who would soon run the nation. The cult fixated on those they'd destroy, then worked together to bring devastation and pain. To the masses, they appeared ordinary people. The persona portrayed allowed an ease of mind control. The plan was always to take a life. With each life they took, they moved onto another.

04-04-2010 at 12:47:28 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer

preaching world peace
hiding behind their religion
discreetly they murdered
time and time again

the homeless .. the unwanted
became their unknowing victims
acceptance and love .. searched for
thought found .. the new recruits died a grisly death
never discovering their own souls

blood was drank
under a full moon
the chanting had begun
human sacrifices were offered
summoning the demons

Last edited by StandingBear 04-05-2010 at 03:26:30 PM

04-05-2010 at 12:47:20 AM

RE: Demonic Transfer

The ceremonies varied upon the state they were in. In the southwest, one took place in the desert. You would be surprised at those in attendance. The girl next door, local business men, even the weatherman from channel ten, all gathered together with others to praise their highest power. Those offerings were always unknown. Often a drifter who wouldn't soon be missed, labeled John doe when his remains were recovered. Those sacrificed in the spirit, the men and women partake, like communion for the religious celebrating the Passion of Christ.

While it was the unfortunate itinerant that lost his life during their celebration, they focused their power on higher class individuals. Both were a sport, and were treated as such. The transients screams gave them pleasure, but in no way compared to the excitement they got when they brought normal people to seek suicide. For those who took their own lives, this cult could never be blamed, but they enjoyed every minute of the glory from what they had accomplished. Pay attention, and you will begin to see how they came to influence the political scene.

04-05-2010 at 03:26:00 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer

all stood .. circling the sacrificed one
blood slowly trickling from the victim
everyone in attendance sipped a taste
dark hoods and masks hiding their identities

a preacher, a doctor, and a high profile lawyer
were nearest the body .. observing all
a car salesman, a teacher, a retail clerk, and a construction worker
stood next to them in the circle they'd formed .. chanting in unison

the feared leader .. satan and snake tattoo on his right hand
had ordered the new recruits to take the transients life .. slow
shown them exactly where to cut and how deep
using ancient knives .. handles forged into images of skulls and crossbones

his screams pierced the crisp, night air .. rhythmic chant's became louder and louder
whilst gold encrusted goblets were filled to the brim with life blood
a new female recruit .. owner of a temporary work agency
had witnessed the murder along with everyone else .. loudly she'd gasped
quickly she'd grabbed one of the knives .. and had cut through her own jugular vein

laughing madly .. founding cult members rushed to capture her fresh blood
first sipping .. then passing the goblets around
sabbath bloody sabbath had played in the background
everyone's feet shuffled wildly in the desert sand
to the relentless beat of the blood rock music

upon departure .. they'd made sure the bodies were tied
to the nearby cacti .. for vultures would soon arrive
to eat away all identifiable, physical features
on the horizon .. daylight was near

Last edited by StandingBear 04-06-2010 at 11:14:59 PM

04-06-2010 at 11:53:33 AM

RE: Demonic Transfer

Rubbing her eyes, as she crawled out of bed, Kendra flipped on the news. Every morning, sipping her coffee, she watched closely and listened for changes in the anchors behavior. There had to be others who picked up on it too. The voice overtook theirs in broken pieces. Like a young man entering puberty, the females voice went from high pitched to manly. What bothered Kendra most, were those on the set never commented on it. Always appearing oblivious to the change, but then again she'd seen them do it too. She once caught the expression of a man from another network. He appeared caught off guard by the wicked transformation.

The color was lost from his face, as he drew in his breath. He had that look of what the hell just took place. Kendra wished she held a spot in the media. Call her Nancy Drew if you like, she'd make damn sure it surfaced. Whatever it was swept through the airwaves. Television and radio, were they all in on it, or did these personalities even know when it happened?

04-06-2010 at 11:10:29 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer

hurried .. before sunrise
all jewelry and personal effects were removed
by the new recruits .. dazed as they were
they handed all over to the lawyer .. he knew what to do with it
everyone said they'd call one another about the next ceremony

the preacher, doctor, and lawyer had joined the leader in private
discussed which recruits held the highest, promising potential
all agreed the retail clerk couldn't make the cut
she'd talked way too much and wavered during both deaths
after all the others had left .. the leader affirmed the decision
he stated .. tie her up for the next ceremony's sacrifice

the preacher deftly opened his trunk .. she shrieked .. insanely screamed
whilst the doctor and lawyer smiled wickedly .. duct taping and blindfolding her
the two picked her up .. carefully placing her in the well space
the intimidating leader instructed the man of the cloth
to feed and care for her needs .. keep her hidden in the chapel until Saturday
each got in their cars and hastily departed .. the blinding sun suddenly appeared

04-07-2010 at 10:22:14 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer

~ Page Break ~
Demonic Transfer 1st Edition

04-07-2010 at 10:40:39 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer ~ 1st edition

Preaching world peace, hiding behind their religion, discreetly murdering with an endless passion. In search of acceptance and love .. new recruits died grisly deaths. Ceremonies varied by location. In the southwest, one took place in the desert. To the masses, they appeared ordinary people. The girl next door, local business men, even the weatherman from channel ten, all gathered to praise their highest power. With each life they took, they moved onto another.

Soul searching gone wrong for many who joined. Victims of society, often labeled john doe when the remains were recovered. Of those sacrificed in the spirit, the men and women partake, like communion for the religious celebrating the Passion of Christ. The itinerant lost his life in their celebration, but focus remained on higher class individuals. A transient's screams brought them pleasure, but in no way compared from the excitement derived when they brought everyday people to seek suicide. Both were a sport, and were treated as such. For those who took their own lives, this cult could never be blamed, but from their accomplishment they enjoyed every minute of glory.

Under a full moon, the chanting began. The sect all stood .. circling the sacrificed one. Blood trickling from the victim, a human soul to summon the demons. A preacher, a doctor, and a high profile lawyer were nearest the body. Dark hoods and masks hid their identities. Others observing from the circle .. all chanting in unison. The feared leader ordered the transients life over, giving instruction on how the cuts would be made. The tattoo of Satan with a snake, visible on his right hand, as he raised his knife, gripping the handle forged of a skull and crossbones. Keeping a slowness to the motion, they maximized the pain of their prey. Screams piercing the crisp, night air. Rhythmic chant's grew consistently louder, as they filled gold encrusted goblets to the brim with life blood. Everyone in attendance sipped a taste. A new recruit who witnessed the murder, grabbed a knife .. and cut her own jugular vein. Laughing madly .. founding members rushed to capture her blood. Sipping .. passing goblets around, as "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" played in the background, the group danced through the night in the desert sand.

Looking to the horizon .. daylight was near. Remaining bodies were tied to cacti, and left for scavengers. Hurried .. all personal effects were removed by the new recruits. Dazed, they handed over all items to the lawyer, who joined his peers of overlords to discuss the evenings events. In agreement on the one recruit that didn't make it, designating her as the next offering. She would be tied up, mouth duct taped, and stored in a trunk. Fed and cared for just like an animal who would soon be slaughtered. The priest would hide her in the chapel til Saturday, meeting adjourned. The blinding sun rising, each got in their cars and departed.

Not far from the action, rubbing her eyes, Kendra crawled out of bed. She flipped on the news, put on some coffee, began looking for changes in the anchors behavior. The voice overtook theirs in broken pieces. Like a young man entering puberty, the females voice went from high pitched to manly. She was bothered that those on the set never commented on it. Always appearing oblivious to the change, but then she'd also seen it happen to them. She caught an expression of another network anchor, who appeared caught off guard by the wicked transformation. He had that look of what the hell was that, drawing in a breath, all the color disappeared from his face. Kendra longed for a spot in the media, to bring what she saw to the surface. Whatever it was swept through the airwaves. The media influenced the political scene ― television and radio, they were all in on it.

Last edited by Charlie23 04-27-2011 at 11:14:21 AM

04-07-2010 at 10:41:11 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer

~ Page Break ~
Resume Writing

04-10-2010 at 02:26:13 AM

RE: Demonic Transfer

A hiker stumbled upon the remains from the sects latest festivities. Might not be a bad idea to start carrying a gun, just a little 9mm -- what the fuck happened here -- maybe a 57 -- is that a -- 38 special's more my style. Phoning police from his cell phone about the decaying body. It could have probably gone uncovered a great deal longer, if he hadn't gotten so far off the trail. Finding it all a bit surreal, as in the past the most he had ever crossed paths with were gila monsters and rattlesnakes.

Kendra had been following the changes on the air for more than half a decade. It's as though no one else could see it. Was that suppose to make her special. Until the day she saw his expression, that said she was no longer alone. Wishing that she could talk to him, question what was going through his mind, inquire if that was the only time he had been exposed to that voice. When the media is involved in a story, that is the story that will never be told. They look out for their own. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil, or is it monkey see, monkey do? "Yeah right", she mutters as she leans back in her recliner and studies the new blond on the set.

04-10-2010 at 07:37:02 AM

RE: Demonic Transfer

The lawyer and doctor were stir crazy all week. Unable to focus on their work, they had lunch together and decided to drive to the chapel to see how the preacher was doing. Upon arriving, entering the chapel they discovered him fast asleep lying on a pew. After shaking him awake it was easy to see he'd been drinking. His red eyes and slurred speech didn't surprise them. Grinning at one another, they handed him the coffee and greasy to go meal. Between bites and sips the preacher related how difficult it was for him to have to listen to the victim's muffled screams. She'd refused to eat or drink water. It being Wednesday, he asked his friends to follow him home since he had to take and hide her in his cellar until Saturday. Wednesday services will go along as planned.

The doctor and lawyer waited outside until he emerged to join them.To the local pool hall they went to have a few beers and shoot some billiards. The lawyer's idea was a brilliant one since the lines on the preacher's face relaxed a bit while the doctor broke the eight ball rack. The doctor suggested the lawyer play the winner, both knowing he would throw the game so as to keep the preacher's mind distracted a while. The lawyer walked over to the jukebox and pressed C3 and S7, playing a couple of his favorite songs. Van Halen's .. "Running With The Devil" and AC DC's .. "Back In Black" New recruits were discussed after they'd ordered another round. Saturday couldn't come fast enough, the leader had called and hinted there possibly could be a high number of suicides. The preacher had won fifty dollars, he felt he'd shot pretty well at five dollars a game as the lawyer and doctor drove him back home.

Last edited by StandingBear 04-10-2010 at 11:49:46 AM

04-10-2010 at 12:46:49 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer

Transporting their victim from the sanctuary to the priest's home was a challenge. The woman still had so much life inside of her. Her constant struggle inside the trunk made it difficult for the three men to move. Many times in the past the victim had given up the fight mid way through the week, not really coming to until they found themselves as the focal point of a ceremony. The knife carving the body without immediately killing is enough to wake any one up until they fall to their permanent rest.

Enough of the ditzes commentary to last her a life time, she only tuned into their morning show because of her fascination with the changes the anchor often went through. The first time the voice became audible, a chill overtook her whole body. Now, she hears it on a regular basis. She's beginning to question if her own imagination is getting the best of her, or if it's legit? It has gotten to the point where it doesn't even phase her when she hears it, but still fascinates her. Wickedest tone imaginable, often doesn't last more than two or three seconds, and the anchors voice returns. The expression on the anchors face when it takes place is completely blank, she appears to only be a shell of a body during those seconds. What does he know? Not sure where to begin, maybe NBC, there's got to be a way to contact him.

04-11-2010 at 06:45:03 AM

RE: Demonic Transfer

Saturday morning arrived with cloudy gray skies. The leader turned left on Highway 666 just a few miles past the outskirts of town. Ten more miles to the dead end where the sect will hold their ceremony tonight. The lawyer, doctor, and preacher were already there walking around checking out the place. They'd seen the dust rising in the distance, knowing the leader would arrive any minute. Still shaken from hearing the woman's muffled screams all week, the preacher pulled out his flask and took another stiff drink to steady his nerves.

The leader drove up, waited a moment for the dust to subside and got out. Walking to where the men were standing under a lone tree for shade, since the desert heat had already become unbearable. The leader made haste, looking each man in the eye to make sure he had their attention before handing them each a piece of paper with driving directions to pick up four new recruits each for this evening's ceremony.Thirteen in all, including the victim at the preacher's home. He mentioned to the doctor to not forget to bring the morphine, and to the lawyer to not forget the drinks. All nodded in agreement and drove away.

04-11-2010 at 04:38:18 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer

Lucky number 13, hidden in a trunk for a week, losing all sanity during the confinement. Clothes tattered reeked of sweat and urine. Fingernails ripped from the skin, bleeding from the days she spent clawing to break free. Alive, she is taken from the trunk, still bound, she is carried to an open area and tied to a stake that was securely driven into the ground. Still in the heat of the afternoon, there is no reason to get the bonfire going yet. Hardly a woman, resembling more of a psychotic animal that will be burned in the fire before nights end.

The séance begins when darkness falls, they will make contact with him tonight. Their highest power will summon him, he's the one they worship. Uncommon for him to make an appearance, they only request his presence when they need direction. Through lifeless eyes with a demonic voice, he enters the victim to speak to them. Once gone, the entertainment continues.

04-11-2010 at 11:09:32 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer

Darkness fell, all were there when the seance began. Standing at the head of the circle the leader began the chanting, everyone joined in. The blindfolded twelve new recruits were closest to the she animal tied to the stake with bales of hay stacked all around her. She'd been howling and shrieking from the time the chanting had begun. The doctor took the blindfolds off of the new recruits while the lawyer wrestled with the heavy container of sacrificial knives. The leader lit the bales of hay, stood back and began calling on the dark spirit to come and show them the way. The she animal's face contorted, as she burned her voice became very thick as the dark one had entered her. She shrieked her last, slumping against the stake.

The new recruits were tied, backs first to the large boulders surrounding the burning
she animal. Each had one hand free holding a knife, they were instructed to stab
the one they're next to. Blood ran free, going everywhere as AC DC's song Hell's Bells
played in the background. The screaming was unbelievable to one's ears as the sacrifice continued. The preacher quickly brought to each of the new recruits a goblet
mixed with blood, alcohol, and morphine. After drinking the concoction it wasn't long the new recruits went into convulsions, jerking like mad against the boulders. The chanting continued until long after each had died. The moon was blood red in the sky.

Last edited by StandingBear 04-11-2010 at 11:10:15 PM

04-13-2010 at 12:47:48 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer

The three leaders departed, leaving the bodies behind to be picked off by scavengers. They were in an area so secluded, it was unlikely any remains would be ever uncovered. They had followed their orders, now it was time for the higher power to take over. They fed him, increasing his power. His force would soon be felt. As he became stronger, his presence materialized more often in the media personalities.

Kendra imagines the response she would get, if she called the shows viewer line. A laugh, if the authorities weren't immediately contacted out of concern that she should be committed. Her emails would probably be ignored if read at all, as she would be considered nothing more than a crazed fan. Given her couple lousy choices of contact, she continues to look for another.

04-14-2010 at 01:46:30 AM

RE: Demonic Transfer

The hustle and bustle of the busy fast food place was evident, business as usual with several non regular patrons. The Senator was in town for a few hours and was having breakfast with the three leaders. Steak and eggs, whole wheat toast all around. The Senator sipped his coffee while listening to their agenda. Wiping his mouth, he related to them that he would give their plan considerable thought before reaching a decision.

Outside on the corner sidewalk the three leaders spoke a few minutes before being on their way to church for the morning services. The doctor and lawyer asked the preacher if his chapel had been gone over for any of the she animals personal effects. The preacher assured them all was fine and taken care of. Seats were taken and it wasn't long until the preacher greeted the congregation and began the morning services with a hymn.

04-16-2010 at 01:10:28 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer

~ Page Break ~

Demonic Transfer 2nd Edition

04-16-2010 at 04:38:18 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer 2nd Edition

A hiker stumbling across the remains from the sects latest festivities -- Might not be a bad idea to start carrying a gun, just a little 9mm -- what the -- Nauseated by the scene, he dials police from his cell, about the decaying bodies. Finding it all a bit surreal, since the most he had ever crossed paths with were gila monsters and rattlesnakes. The sect often picked such secluded areas. It was unusual for the remains to be found so soon.

Restless, unable to focus on work, the lawyer and doctor make a trip to the chapel. The priest had not been reachable for the last two days. Upon arriving, they discovered him passed out on a pew. As they shook him awake, both men cringed at the strong stench of alcohol seeping from the priest's pores. Taking a sip from his flask, he muttered something about listening to the victim's muffled screams. It was only Wednesday, and she was refusing to eat or drink. She would be moved to the cellar of his home until Saturday.

The woman still had so much life inside of her. Transporting their victim from the sanctuary to the priest's home proved a challenge. Her constant struggle in the trunk made it difficult for the men to move. Victims in the past had given up the fight by this time, never coming to until they became the focal point of a ceremony. The knife carving the body without immediately killing is enough to wake any one up until they fall to their permanent rest. Wednesday services will continue as planned.

Kendra followed the changes on the air for more than half a decade up to this point. The day she saw his expression, she knew that she was no longer alone. She wished to know if that was the only time Chris had been exposed to that voice. When the media is the story, that is the story that will never be told. Leaning back in her recliner, she studies the new blond on the set. With enough of the ditzes commentary to last her a life time, she observes changes in the anchors voice and behavior. The first time the voice was audible, a chill overtook her. Wickedest tone imaginable, only lasting two or three seconds, then the anchors voice returns. The anchors face takes on a blank expression, as she appears to be an empty shell during those seconds. What does he know? Not sure where to begin, maybe NBC, there's got to be a way to contact him. Kendra imagines the response she would get if she called the shows viewer line. Her emails would be ignored if read at all, as she would be considered nothing more than a crazed fan. Given her couple lousy choices of contact, she continues to explore other options.

Last edited by Charlie23 09-14-2010 at 11:47:48 AM

04-16-2010 at 04:39:46 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer 2nd Edition

~ Page Break ~

** I would like to continue with the story started here in the forum. It was done in hopes to donate to the "Bleed for the Cause". I have been told it is a bit disturbing to which my response was that I was unaware it was being read. If it is disturbing to anyone, I would like to say, "Thank You!" as this is the first attempt at horror for both me and Sbear... we are but virgins to this genre of writing, as he once said to me.

** Please note such as I've seen Alexia say in previous posts, or per "Law and Order"... not sure word for word, but basis being. Fictional, not real, any circumstance that appears to be similer to a real life event is only a coincidence. **

Last edited by Charlie23 04-18-2010 at 01:11:40 PM

05-08-2010 at 12:36:13 PM

RE: Demonic Transfer

~ Page Break ~

Have taken to working on story via email - remaining postings will only be the edited versions... up next Demonic Transfer 3rd edition

Last edited by Charlie23 05-08-2010 at 12:37:54 PM

05-11-2010 at 10:25:25 PM

RE: RE: Demonic Transfer 2nd Edition

Originally Posted by Charlie23

~ Page Break ~

** I would like to continue with the story started here in the forum. It was done in hopes to donate to the "Bleed for the Cause". I have been told it is a bit disturbing to which my response was that I was unaware it was being read. If it is disturbing to anyone, I would like to say, "Thank You!" as this is the first attempt at horror for both me and Sbear... we are but virgins to this genre of writing, as he once said to me.

** Please note such as I've seen Alexia say in previous posts, or per "Law and Order"... not sure word for word, but basis being. Fictional, not real, any circumstance that appears to be similer to a real life event is only a coincidence. **
I would like to wish all of you good luck with this. It is turning into quite a story.It just might make a good book some day if continued to the end.:smile Good Luck have fun.grin

05-12-2010 at 01:03:10 AM

RE: Demonic Transfer 3rd Edition

Saturday morning arrived with cloudy gray skies. A man rugged in appearance, turned left on Highway 666 just a few miles past the outskirts of town. Traveling down a dead end road, he watched for tracks exiting off into the sand that would lead him to the evenings ceremonial grounds. The three already casing the place, when they saw the dust rising in the distance. Still shaken from the sound of the woman's muffled screams, the preacher took another stiff drink to steady his nerves. Upon his arrival, waiting for the dust to subside, the senator emerged from the town car. As the desert heat had already become unbearable, he proceeded to meet the other men under a lone tree, providing the only shade.

Discussing plans for the evening's ceremony, they began working with the layout. Thirteen recruits in all, including the victim from the preacher's home. The doctor and lawyer were reminded how to blend the drinks and morphine. Lucky number 13, hidden in a trunk for a week, had lost all sanity during the confinement. Clothes tattered reeking of sweat and urine. Fingernails ripped from the skin, bleeding from the days she spent clawing to break free. She is taken from the trunk, carried to an open area and tied to a stake that is securely driven into the ground. Hardly a woman in appearance, resembling a psychotic animal that will be burned in the fire before nights end.

As darkness fell, the leader standing at the head of the circle began chanting, everyone joined in. The woman tied to the stake, her shrieks the only sound louder than the chanting. Making contact with the one they worship, requesting his presence and direction. Surrounded by fire, they began calling his dark spirit to show them the way. He enters the victim to speak to them. Through a demonic voice, and lifeless eyes, they receive his instruction. Her life over with his departure, the woman left slumping against the stake.

The entertainment continues. The new recruits tied, backs first to the large boulders surrounding the woman, while she burns. The priest brought each recruit a goblet mixed with blood, alcohol, and morphine. The concoction brought them to convulsions, jerking like mad against the boulders. The leaders chanting continued long after each recruit died. The moon was blood red in the sky. The three leaders departed, leaving the bodies behind to be picked off by scavengers.

In the hustle and bustle of the busy diner, it was business as usual with several non regular patrons. The Senator was having breakfast with the three leaders. Steak and eggs, whole wheat toast all around. The Senator sipped his coffee while listening to their agenda. They had followed orders, now it was time for the higher power to take over. The dark spirit now fed, his power would grow. As he became stronger, his presence could further materialize in the media personalities. Wiping his mouth, the senator confirmed their plan would be given consideration before he reached his decision. Parting ways with the senator, the other three men spoke a few minutes on the corner sidewalk before departing to church for the morning services. Seats were taken, as the preacher greeted the congregation and began the morning services with a hymn.

Last edited by Charlie23 09-14-2010 at 11:56:06 AM

05-13-2010 at 01:30:52 AM

RE: RE: Demonic Transfer 3rd Edition

Originally Posted by Charlie23

In Brussels, Belgium, the Hilton Inn was abuzz with news of the largest political meeting ever, being dropped on its doorstep. Intelligent agents from every nation were already arriving, almost a week ahead of the set meeting date. Leaders from many nations were expected to attend. Word had leaked out that the Pope would be in attendance, as well as other prominent spiritual leaders. The main agenda of the world conference has not yet been confirmed. With much financial turmoil, and too many nations in arms negotiations, peace talks seemed to be a thing of the past. During a U.S. address to the nation, it was said, "Determinations made at this conference will change the world as we know it." While most all nations are expected, it is known that a few wouldn't be represented. Rarely more than one or two dictators attend world conferences, it has not yet been verified if there will be any in attendance for this one.

The U.S. President has been in contact with commanding officers of other powerful nations. Recent news that the President from Poland and his political staff had unfortunately died in an airplane mishap further mandated that this one time world event meeting be held under the strictest security. News stations would receive news a day after the meeting, there would be no live feeds in order to protect the secrecy of this "on the cusp" world changing event. Top news sources can only speculate on the political agenda, as they have no hard facts.

With the spirit festering, his presence materializing, more deaths will occur. Perfectly timed with the political spectrum bringing about a new world order. Influential personalities dropping like flies. Their deaths always labeled natural causes, or occasionally a freak accident. While unusual, the deaths are rarely investigated. Overcome by his presence, the DJ introduces the next tune, his voice alternating between his own and one more sinister. A voice of malevolence. It appeared as though it was focused at one individual, talking directly to them. Everyday people rushing through their lives, singled out and spoken to, through media outlets.

The cult in the Southwest was not alone in feeding the spirit. Members of the occult stretched across not only the nation, but the world. In the New England states, the goal was the same, only the scenery changed. Instead of remains tied to cacti, one would stumble upon a body hanging from a tree. Often in a wooded area, that is not immediately seen. Depending on the country, and the culture often determines how they feed him. Those involved in the occult are proud of their power, with some of the most distinguished figures among them. Once they've been entered by the dark one though, they may as well be dead themselves. As he feeds on each one he enters, they are worthless to this dark spirit once they've served their full purpose to him.

Pursuing the anchor at NBC, Kendra begins emailing the show. Expecting the email to go nowhere. She was in shock to see a reply, while skimming her spam --

Standing Bear and Charlie23 / 2010
Hi Charlie23 this is turning into quite a story. Steven King style.gulpbig surprisegrinwink Keep the ball rolling! rolleyes::::gulp:::gulp

05-16-2010 at 04:43:29 AM

RE: Demonic Transfer

She lie in her bed that night thinking about the lost president .Demonds enter her mind torementing her soul. Beneath the big oak tree inbeded in the ground were steps.The steps lead to a cript where the demond showed her the way. The steps chilled her to the bone. She wondered why was this happening.The door opened. The smell and stinch of dead bodies filled the air. It was all she could do to look. There were decaying bodies everywhere.Some of which had just died.In rolls layered across the ground. They mouned in horror as they lie there waiting for hell. Never able to leave their bodies, captured souls in their waisted skeltons. She began to walk farther down each roll when suddenly she saw the president. He was lying there in torment wondering what was next? Trapped in his dead body helplessly waiting, for what? Controled by demonds lost in hell. Is this it.
She woke to find this was only a dream, but was it?: She had a dream about what it would be like if you didn't go to Heaven but hell. People lie there waiting mouning in search for answers. Rolls of casgets.People waiting. Something to think about she said.sickblank starelong facebig surpriserolleyesoh ohgulpcool grin

Last edited by Bettysrainbow48 05-16-2010 at 04:49:28 AM

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA