Roswilas' Dreamku
Poets of Originalpoetry.com,
I have found a creative pioneer of dream poetry.
She is a dream worker and haiku enthusiast.
She has written free verse based on night dreams for a very long time.
She writes dream-based haiku.
I have found her work, and web site fascinating,
I write from dreams anyway, I googled dream poetry and found Roswila.
Dreamku can help writers tap their dreams for poetry.
Roswila has contacted me, and I have posted part of what she wrote to me.
Please take a look at her site, and pioneering work.
I wish her a speedy recovering to poeticaly touching our dreams.
She has lessons on her site, and more.
Please enjoy, learn, and dream dreamku.
After reading, learming her skill. please post your dreamku here.
I am sure she will visit from time to time.
Her letter to me,
((((I visited original poetry and its forum just now. Looks like a lively group of writers who are truly interested in sharing with others, and developing their skills.
I thank you for the offer to teach dreamku in the forum. However, this is not a good time for me to be taking on new projects (recovering from some health issues and so on). In the meantime, folk could read the two articles I've posted to my blog about dreamku, how to write it, and what it is and isn't. Here are the links:
Three Part Dreamku Primer (links to next part at bottom of each):
The Aren'ts of Dreamku & Accompanying Photos:
I'd also say that reading dreamku is a good way to learn about it. I make a daily dreamku post, and there's a large archive of dreamku by month.
I'm putting up a link on my dreams & poetry blog today to your original poetry site.
Thanks for contacting me. Maybe in a few months I will be up to teaching dreamku on original poetry's forum. ))))))
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***I am certain of nothing but of the holiness of the Heart's affection and the truth of the Imagination.*** John Keats
Patricia's blogs (DREAMJIN):
Last edited by WordSlinger 04-24-2010 at 07:42:28 AM