Original Poetry Forums

Posting Your Best Work

10-22-2010 at 01:14:41 AM

Posting Your Best Work

Hello all-
There is something that I have been noticing a lot when reading some new poems and even some old poems. It is something that could be taken care of quite easily and should be. I am referring to the many typographical errors, misused comma's and over all poorly structured poems that are thrown out onto this site daily. I understand that no one on this site might consider themselves 'professional' writers and that's fine, yet it only takes a few minutes to review your work and be sure that whatever you have written is the best you can make it. Nothing turns me away from reading a poem faster than getting a few lines into it and becoming confused or reading words that are not what should have been meant.
That is what's on my mind and unfortunately it is something that bugs the heck out of me. I am not perfect by any stretch but I certainly try to put my best effort forward and proof read. If I am going to put something out there for other people to see and hopefully read then I'd want it to be as good as it can be.
Thank you, that is all. A.T.
P.S. I would like to thank everyone for all the kind words and wonderful comments on my winning poem. It is truely an honor.

10-23-2010 at 12:40:00 PM

RE: Posting Your Best Work

Yeah, I agree in part with you, mm. I think it would be beneficial for one's
authenticity to correct misspellings of common words, and using the
correct homophones.
But, I am one who likes to use my "Poetic License" for words that aren't
found in the pages of Webster's dictionary.......such as, "The autumness
of her beauty..." Autumness won't be found, but it is my word, and when
one reads it, they get my meaning.......but, then again, maybe not...

blank stare )))))):(((((( cheese

10-23-2010 at 05:19:56 PM
  • kah
  • kah
  • Posts: 339

RE: Posting Your Best Work

Yup, I agree. I try to edit my work - I'm meticulous as I want my readers to "get" what I'm saying!

I get frustrated when I read someone's work and there are typos, incorrect spelling, text talk (u2, we r, etc), or wrong homophones. I love language - using it creatively is the poet's talent. Using it incorrectly...well...drives me nuts!!

Gogant, I totally get "autumness". I used "auroral" once!!


10-23-2010 at 06:39:28 PM

RE: RE: Posting Your Best Work

Yeah kah, it seems that you and I are quite similar thinkers
Geez, I hate those text talkese......The one I hate the most is (lol)
On Facebook, I get that as a response to something I say......"I lost
my keys."........Their reply, "lol"..........Come on folks, we have lots of
time on our hands.......A simple, "That's a shame." would not take
up too much of your time......

Originally Posted by kah

Yup, I agree. I try to edit my work - I'm meticulous as I want my readers to "get" what I'm saying!

I get frustrated when I read someone's work and there are typos, incorrect spelling, text talk (u2, we r, etc), or wrong homophones. I love language - using it creatively is the poet's talent. Using it incorrectly...well...drives me nuts!!

Gogant, I totally get "autumness". I used "auroral" once!!


10-23-2010 at 06:43:25 PM
  • Londo
  • Londo
  • Posts: 173

RE: Posting Your Best Work

Thanks for posting this forum. If I may be so bold, I have a poem which illustrates this point exactly:

Watch Your Language

Please, people, when you write
Pay attention to your words
Some of the language that you use
Is really for the birds

Don’t use THERE when you mean THEIR
Or YOUR when you mean YOU’RE
Please go and look it up
If you’re not quite sure

TOO many times someone writes TO
This happens TWO times TOO often TO tell
Or HEAR when they really mean over HERE
That really rings my bell

THEY’RE taking THEIR places over THERE
You can HEAR them from HERE
To say YOUR taking YOU’RE place over THEIR
Brings to my eye a tear

Don't rely on spellcheck
'Cause that simply won't do it
If the word is spelled WRITE
It'll skip right through it

This misuse of language
Does you a great discredit
So please, folks, before you post
Go back in and re-edit

Londo rolleyes

10-23-2010 at 06:50:11 PM
  • kah
  • kah
  • Posts: 339

RE: Posting Your Best Work

Ha! Londo, that is awesome! LOL

10-23-2010 at 06:54:10 PM
  • Londo
  • Londo
  • Posts: 173

RE: Posting Your Best Work

Thanks. The English language is my second favorite toy. Ha! tongue rolleye

10-23-2010 at 07:25:56 PM

RE: Posting Your Best Work

That’s a good poetic way to point out some errors to watch out for…..
maybe OP should run it on their homepage. There is also, ware, wear,
where, choose and chose, bit and bite, quit, quite, quiet, and of course
that contractions and possessives need apostrophes. These are simple
lessons, not complicated English tutorials.


10-23-2010 at 08:09:51 PM

RE: Posting Your Best Work

Anyone who advocates proper presentation of a poem. devoid of typos , imperfect verses and ambiguities. is a member of my church . Welcome, and may your voice from the pulpit be heard.

Honestly, I struggle with that arch-villain we call imperfect poetry, being both a victim and an offender, at times.

10-23-2010 at 11:01:27 PM

RE: Posting Your Best Work

I agree, Cousin……….we all go there on Sundays, but never on
Tuesdays. Everybody makes typos, the point is -- how hard can
it be to look over one’s poem before posting it ? I crawl all over
mine, and still, I somehow miss something -- but at least I looked it
over for grammar mistakes, and I am satisfied that I tried. I had a
poem titled, “A redneck girl and boy” which had all kinds of grammar
misusages, -- but, they were intentional.


Last edited by gogant 10-23-2010 at 11:02:20 PM

10-24-2010 at 01:13:57 AM

RE: Posting Your Best Work

While I know I have MANY typos, I do have one objection with the "best work" bit.

I have posted poems I was not fond of, but couldn't fix. One of these, "Tale of a Romatic", was loved here (I think it won an award). I DO see what you are saying, but then again, you never really know what's worth anything untill you give it a spin.

10-24-2010 at 08:09:18 AM
  • kah
  • kah
  • Posts: 339

RE: RE: Posting Your Best Work

Gogant - something like that might be able to be posted in the School of Poetry thread, plus the Critique my Writing thread - Just my thoughts!

Originally Posted by gogant

That’s a good poetic way to point out some errors to watch out for…..
maybe OP should run it on their homepage. There is also, ware, wear,
where, choose and chose, bit and bite, quit, quite, quiet, and of course
that contractions and possessives need apostrophes. These are simple
lessons, not complicated English tutorials.


10-24-2010 at 02:22:29 PM

RE: Posting Your Best Work

Cool! I'm glad to see that this topic has created much discussion. Everyone has a valid point, on a site like this anyone can put a poem out for others to read, what separates the 'good' from the 'bad' is how the poem reads when it is done.
The subject matter is, for some, not all too important. In free form there is no matter the rhyme so long as the reader can somehow make sense of it.
Thanks again for the discussion, keep it going!

10-24-2010 at 02:41:10 PM

RE: RE: RE: Posting Your Best Work

Originally Posted by kah

Gogant - something like that might be able to be posted in the School of Poetry thread, plus the Critique my Writing thread - Just my thoughts!

Originally Posted by gogant

That’s a good poetic way to point out some errors to watch out for…..
maybe OP should run it on their homepage. There is also, ware, wear,
where, choose and chose, bit and bite, quit, quite, quiet, and of course
that contractions and possessives need apostrophes. These are simple
lessons, not complicated English tutorials.


I am glad to know that some of us (I hope all of us, in due course) ) have joined forces, at last, instigated by Mustascheman, against poor writing, The Lord be praised! Amen! I have been pointing to errors and weaknesses , and offering specific suggestions how and what to improve through Private Messages, but my efforts are sadly restricted by having been able to read too few poems. It is important to point out, as Londo and Gogant have done, that the misuse of homophones, and "your" instead of "you're" are really too prevalent. I have been consistently advising OP poets to ask competent friends, or a teacher of English in their neighbourhood, to read and edit for them, before posting.

Last edited by cousinsoren 10-24-2010 at 02:54:56 PM

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.