Broken links and Google ranking
I ran an analysis on the site a couple weeks ago intending to send my results to Papa (once I'd correlated them). I guess he is gone now.
Probably one of the major contributors to the success of a website is it's Google ranking. This is basically how close to the top of the page Google places a site when folks do a search. Google penalizes sites in their ranking algorithm if there are technical problems with the site. For example, if your site goes down too often, Google won't send folks there because it makes Google look bad when people get a 404 error.
They also penalize for page load times, and OP certainly has problems in that area.
At the time I ran my analysis OP had 10,826 pages and offsite links. There are a lot of broken links in there. Broken links are another major factor in the Google ranking algorithm. Here's a list of 124 broken links I found on the OP website. Cleaning these up will improve the site's Google ranking and therefore click stream and revenue. Many of these offsite links are posted by users.... We probably don't want to prohibit that, but perhaps, if OP is going to allow the posting of offsite links, those links should be monitored and removed if they go dark.
Drat! My copy and paste is broken. I have to reboot. I'll post this comment then post a second comment with the actual broken links in it.