John in Heaven still be a Legend.
John in Heaven still be a Legend.
On both sides of the Sun he shines for us.
How much he cares for so many people.
No one can compete with him or sparks so bright.
Family with strong values and principles.
Rear to find a great Soul like him.
All races, genders, ages wanting to be him.
Never gave up his dreams for anything as an inner child.
Children without his guidance will be lost, weak and less wise.
Inspirational to millions of people his true fans in the whole planet.
Spirit of open doors, magical keys, great talents, tales and Glory.
Blessings that a good dad adds to his children’s life.
Often he is his children’s Hero and without their acknowledgment.
No fears, but still building a new family’s World.
God has blessed him with his amazing baby girl.
I have never before, admired a soul like him, loving all he does.
Our JBJ a forever idol, who will never be forgotten.
Voluntarily placed his happiness behind for his children’s success.
Is a great example for many Generations.
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