Thinking in bed


  • Love

    Thinking in bed

    Every night I lay in bed after our talks and wonder
    Where will this relationship end up
    I ponder over the days conversation
    Looking for anything that I should have said
    While reveling in your words I have read

    Every night I lay in bed after our talks and wonder
    Will she like me once we meet
    What will I say
    What should I wear
    I hope you wont care

    Every night I lay in bed after our talks and wonder
    Will you want to date
    How soon and how will I know
    Where should I take you
    Maybe you should choose

    Every night I lay in bed after our talks and wonder
    Will I be able to make you happy
    Can I make you smile
    I know that I will try
    I never want to make you cry

    Every night I lay in bed after our talks and wonder
    Will your boys like me
    Will my boys like you
    Of course they will
    Neither one of us are a pill

    Every night I lay in bed after our talks and wonder
    Could you be the one
    Could my dreams be reality
    Will I fulfill your dreams
    Will I make you run and scream

    Every night I lay in bed after our talks and wonder
    What if we only end up being friends
    Will you like me the same
    Will we hang out together no matter what
    Or would you prefer to be around my mutt

    Every night I lay in bed after our talks and wonder
    Where will this relationship end up
    I ponder over the days conversation
    Looking for anything that I should have said
    While reveling in your words I have read

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    Bwyn commented on Thinking in bed


    Very Beautiful. Hope you let her read it....

    dogg144 commented on Thinking in bed


    not a bad read at all...i think it may be a little long but i dont think you could shorten it without the message being affected...well done

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    khagedon’s Poems (2)

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