

  • Other
    • Jolly
    • YEAH! Just found out I'm going to have a baby! Well, technically my wife will, but I'll be there to make inappropriate jokes!


    I suffer when I dream as reality overcomes me
    Screaming, seething, yearning, bleeding
    A thousand broken fragments of this surreality becoming me
    Why have I been put on this earth alone?
    Alone with no home, alone, unknown
    A twisted travesty
    Forlorn tragedy
    A monstrously misshapen effigy of humanity
    Internalizing and becoming me, fucking me
    Peeling away my own defense, exposing what's left of my head
    Tear it out of me, do you like what you see?
    Can you feel the agony this living death has produced in me?
    My little bottled friend, you don't love me
    My beautiful liquid lover, do you even retain the capacity?
    Am I within you, as you are within me?
    Hold my hand as I drink from you lip
    Put on my smiling mask to get out of bed today
    Though that face is the very source of my hate
    My pain, my rage, stained and insane
    Slash through and remove the mask my friend,
    Is this the end?
    Alone again, such a cruel joke to play on a man with nothing left
    This deity teasing me with my own death, held above my head
    Out of reach I strain as the bottle is drained
    I scream yet no sound escapesmy mouth
    I feel as though I'm already underground
    Consumed by maggots my heart still pounds
    Laughing miserably, I fall down

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    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Jolly’s Poems (17)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Very drunken ranting... Yet mysteriously more intelligent than this site 3
    No Damn Title 2
    Deuthschland Morgen 5
    Nothing 3
    The New Sadism 2
    Alcoholic 2
    Out Of My Head 1
    Samantha 0
    Sinister Minister 4
    One Man's Surrender 3
    Plan B 1
    A Lover's Suicide 7
    Hung Over 3
    Redefine 1
    Vertigo 3
    Dear Mr. Bush 5
    Nullus Jus In Bello 2