

  • Political


    Can You See?
    Do You Wanna See?
    No, I prefer my eyes to be blindfolded and not see the truth
    Not see the flacid liberties that you pertain to
    Not see the harsh realities that you cling to
    Not see the false securities that you coincide in
    I'd rather be blindfolded, I'd rather not see
    If not blindfolded I'd see the outside of you
    Rather than see what's inside of you
    If not in the dark, I still couldn't see the light
    If eyes not shielded, I'd never tell wrong from right
    How can someone see past what is without and see the innocence within?
    It is a gift that's given to each and every man
    How do some see beauty and others don't?
    Is it there eyes wont allow it or their mind wont?
    I'd rather be blindfolded, I'd rather not see what you see
    I'd rather see with my heart and soul
    than see what I've been told
    While others see silver, I see gold
    when I wear this blindfold.
    With eyes shielded I see no color
    I only see the love we have for one another
    We don't see what we've been told
    those words too often have been cold
    We see what we want through our blindfolds.
    Can you see?
    Do You Wanna See?

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    JadedJezzabel commented on Blindfold


    great way to express your the metaphoric style.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    Clouden3’s Poems (5)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Song Girl 1
    Killer 0
    Blindfold 1
    Deeper Than Before 0
    Pain or Pleasure 1