Confusion on the world today.


  • Confusion

    Confusion on the world today.

    I dreamt I dreamed of a web of destiny, a dream web of fate. Controlling at the worst times, yet the dream was so intense. A dream no man had the had the humanity to look upon. An intersection of sorts was where I found myself. Do I take the road that leads me down a secure path? A path with just enough happiness to tempt, yet not enough passion to fully live. Or do I take the path that winds and climbs through uncertintys and even less security. No sense of where I'm going, but only knowing the path is the way to get there. With it's long falls and beauty, a life lived? It was only a dream. A dream that led me through the eyes of another, to let me watch my own beautiful world. With it's thirst for knowledge and all of it's spectacular wonders. I stared in mute aw at what I saw. Our world is destroying itself. Every blade of grass, every bee with it's hunny, every seashell and every grain of sand. I am disgusted, thrown back as the realization hist me. I turn to look away. Can we really be as ignorant as all that? But I already knew the answer. Our arrogance and selfishness is killing us. I realized right then that if I had one wish it would not be to bring him back, as I have often thought before. But a wish for a chance. So I fear deep down I already know which fork in the road I will take. Now when it rains, I feel as if the earth is crying. Because in it's core, it knows. So all I do for now is sit and wait for the time I can help or one day make my wish.

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    dahlusion commented on Confusion on the world today.


    "Our arrogance and selfishness is killing us"——perfect!!

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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