Original Poetry Forums


06-20-2009 at 11:41:41 PM


I have a question for all the people here. Do you think that someone who is told they are an exceptional poet should believe what people say? On one hand, if you let it go to your head and assume every poem you write is absolute genius, you'll never get a chance to improve it. On the other hand, if you tell yourself that your poetry needs work, you might discourage yourself or simply not see the point. where is the proverbial balance? I'd appreciate anyone's input on the topic. or on the flip side, how do you feel when someone tells you your poetry is awful, whether they back up their claims or not?

06-21-2009 at 12:15:29 AM

Re: egotism

Originally Posted by Snuffles

I have a question for all the people here. Do you think that someone who is told they are an exceptional poet should believe what people say? On one hand, if you let it go to your head and assume every poem you write is absolute genius, you'll never get a chance to improve it. On the other hand, if you tell yourself that your poetry needs work, you might discourage yourself or simply not see the point. where is the proverbial balance? I'd appreciate anyone's input on the topic. or on the flip side, how do you feel when someone tells you your poetry is awful, whether they back up their claims or not?

I have seen both sides of that coin, unfortunately, Snuffles. I have some poems that one thinks is really good, and another thinks just stinks. The truth of the matter is that I think you should carefully weigh both sides. The person who thinks that your poem stinks, may just not relate to it very well. On the other hand, the person who thinks it is very good might have lived it at one time or another. If someone is pointing out obvious mistakes, then listen to what they have to say, and try to implement them, if you so desire. Do not just take someone's word that your poem stinks. There is someone, somewhere, who will be able to relate to it, I am sure. If no one likes your poem, then oh well. It is your creation, and a little part of you. As long as you enjoy it, that is all that matters. Poetry is an expression of your soul. Express yourself the way you want to.

Marcus wink

06-21-2009 at 12:24:24 AM

Re: egotism

You make an interesting point. But imagine you're consistently being told one of the previously mentioned extremes? At what point does a confident, well-adjusted person who's proud of their work become a veritable narcissus who's writing suffers due to the fact?

06-21-2009 at 01:39:59 AM

Re: egotism

i think that That's the beauty of the individuality
the fact that many people will or wont like it

sometimes when i read comments i wonder if they are REALLY going by the subject or if they are comparing it to something else?

when you submit something to a publisher they may love it
and sign it, but that's just a few peoples opinion
the entire isn't gonna embrace what you have to say
they may appreciate it or recognize you for your word skill
but everyone will not love it, perhaps be too young or old to identify... etc

but if for whatever reason people don't like it they should tell you why
it gives you a chance to switch it up
it could very well be you had another verse that could have placed more clarity on it
but you didn't add it yet you find you really need to put it back or vise versa too repetitive....

06-21-2009 at 12:38:25 PM

Re: egotism

Snuggles, I know where your coming from. Don't stress. The world is full of narcissistic people, but don't let them make you a disclaimer. Relax and write. We are all great poets if we trust good judgment and good philosophy. Good poetry comes from being honest, so if some one tells you that your good honest poetry should be more like theirs, just smile and treat 'em like a child.

06-23-2009 at 04:27:01 PM

Re: egotism

Interesting stuff, ok maybe you all can analize this.
This is one of my first 20 poems, written in the late 80's.
I think this poem is way ahead of it's time, maybe because I wanted it to.
Alot of people think it's average.
I think that it is a good poem, but what's in it that makes me feel that way.
So if you all want to take time, please also comment on it..
Thank you so much.

Coloring Books

I'am glad I have mothers' coloring books
I want to color a picture of a flower
Mother says they were the earths' children
and now there are only artificial ones
I want to color a picture that says some thing

I want to color a picture of a animal
Mother says they were the earths' gaurdians
and now there are only artificial ones
I want to color a picture that says some thing

Oh what is a flower?
I never got to smell one
Oh what is an animal?
I never got to touch one

I only have eight crayons in my hand
to mix mistakes and madness and make them blend
and to paint a picture of what I really miss
a picture of beauty which no longer exists


Last edited by WordSlinger 06-23-2009 at 04:27:41 PM

06-24-2009 at 12:06:56 AM

Re: egotism

Sometimes your poetry is so good people just don't realize it.

I try not to get a big head about all the great poetry I write.

The most important thing is keep writing.

07-03-2009 at 08:35:54 PM

Re: egotism

here is a Hannaism- everyone has an opinion just like every has a butt!!

Self-reflection and self critism taken with sprinkles of the voices of others is a path being paved toward improvement.

Another Hannaism- if you have a gift/talent remain graceful and humble. Share the gift /talent with others -, BUT do NOT jam it down their throats.
Keep EGO in check- always be teachable.

07-07-2009 at 10:02:33 PM

Re: egotism

THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION CAN BE READILY SEEN BY JUST READING SOME OF THE COMMENTS BEING POSTED. I read a piece of junk which in no way can be called poetry. It is simply personal prose. Much of it personalized self pity. Then the comments "Oh you poor dear. I know just how you feel. I've been there too." "This is such a beautiful write. Keep up the good work." There is good poetry. There is lousy poetry. There is personal self expression. They are not the same. If you want to learn the art and skill of writing good poetry as opposed to self expression, then you invite and listen to criticism. A good poet knows when they have written something good or bad. A bad poet thinks everything they write is earth shaking.

07-08-2009 at 05:12:48 PM

Re: egotism PS

Go read the post by FOF under the thread "Not to be mean but---" which is here under casual conversation.

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.