Original Poetry Forums

not to be mean but....

07-17-2009 at 09:01:46 PM

Re: not to be mean but....

You don't need to be intelligent to write poetry...

But it helps! cheese

07-18-2009 at 09:09:06 AM
  • poetography
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write baby write ( not to be mean)

i happen to agree with dahlusion.
if they did not want to write they would be fishing or playing golf or watching TV..
let them write for better or for worse..let them all write brothers and sisters..
this site is a user friendly welcom mat to all who care to put thought on paper ..or computer ..

some for fun , some for healing some for praise ..some just becasue they think thier cat would like it ... write baby write


07-19-2009 at 05:39:34 PM

Re: not to be mean but....

I think that we, as poets, should never allow poetry to get to a Czarist stage in writing. Poets should be allowed to write in any shape, form, or fashion that they desire. It is much the same as novels, I believe. I personally like Westerns. but some people don't. That does not mean that Westerns should not have been written just because some people somewhere don't like them, and choose not to read them. I guarantee you that there is someone, somewhere, that can relate to anything that you might write. Therefore, write in any style, format, context, or emotion that you choose to write. If my dog dies, I may come seeking that poem that expresses how I felt about my dog. If my grandfather passes, I may come seeking that poem, as well.

People, please quit trying to put a 'Box' around poetry. Your acceptance, and my acceptance, are not needed for a poem to reach someone else's heart. This is starting to feel like the Spanish Inquisition must have felt, when the 'Church' controlled what was written, how it was written, and how you responded to what was written. Just let poets be poets, for the love of God.

Marcus cool smirk

07-19-2009 at 06:15:11 PM

Re: not to be mean but....

Just one more note on this subject. If someone puts something on paper and calls it a poem that is an accomplishment. Life, birth, death and sentiment is what it is all about. Yes, some say it better than others. I read and cry with so many of you. I have to admit, I seldom give a ten but that is the teacher in me. For this rating I look for much more than I love what you said. Again, You have still written a poem and those that wish to take it further and learn structure and how to make it better, the more power to you.

A poet friend

07-19-2009 at 11:26:43 PM

Re: not to be mean but....

So no one can improve...or get an honest advice on what might make their poem better, or improve their spelling, because if anyone offers a suggestion they are being czarist? what?

I cannot believe that anyone thinks that to improve because of another persons comment of suggestion takes away their free will. That is ludicrous! And i'm confused. All this talk about anything "they" want to write is okay, but don't put a box around poetry...yada yada..and don't say this and don't say that....you have a very interesting opinion of free speech. lol Acjtb started this post by saying maybe aspiring poets should avoid sentimentality. Anathema!

No, people can write anything they want to write, but there is a difference between what is a well crafted piece of work and what is not. It is a sliding scale of assessment, not a black or white, yes or no. Even poems about dogs and grandparents are bad...good and better.

Yes you can put any piece of collection of words on a piece of paper, but you could very possibly write something that 100% of people in their heart would say..."No that's not really poetry"

My biggest problem with this whole caterwauling is the hypocrisy that goes with it and the inauthenticity that absolutely breeds low self esteem.

Your poetry can be totally horrid and you can still be okay.

You can make music that sounds like cats fighting and still be okay.

Now i've changed my mind. Well heck, maybe everything you put on paper is an A-1 accomplishment. At least you picked up the paper! It doesn't even matter if the words make sense or are even words because you wrote something on a piece of paper...might not even be letters...just a wavy scrawl. Yes even that is poetry. Good job! Good for you!

07-19-2009 at 11:39:08 PM
  • WatashLegend
  • WatashLegend
  • Posts: 67

Re: Re: not to be mean but....

Originally Posted by lightcourier

So no one can improve...or get an honest advice on what might make their poem better, or improve their spelling, because if anyone offers a suggestion they are being czarist? what?

I cannot believe that anyone thinks that to improve because of another persons comment of suggestion takes away their free will. That is ludicrous! And i'm confused. All this talk about anything "they" want to write is okay, but don't put a box around poetry...yada yada..and don't say this and don't say that....you have a very interesting opinion of free speech. lol Acjtb started this post by saying maybe aspiring poets should avoid sentimentality. Anathema!

No, people can write anything they want to write, but there is a difference between what is a well crafted piece of work and what is not. It is a sliding scale of assessment, not a black or white, yes or no. Even poems about dogs and grandparents are bad...good and better.

Yes you can put any piece of collection of words on a piece of paper, but you could very possibly write something that 100% of people in their heart would say..."No that's not really poetry"

My biggest problem with this whole caterwauling is the hypocrisy that goes with it and the inauthenticity that absolutely breeds low self esteem.

Your poetry can be totally horrid and you can still be okay.

You can make music that sounds like cats fighting and still be okay.

Now i've changed my mind. Well heck, maybe everything you put on paper is an A-1 accomplishment. At least you picked up the paper! It doesn't even matter if the words make sense or are even words because you wrote something on a piece of paper...might not even be letters...just a wavy scrawl. Yes even that is poetry. Good job! Good for you!

This leads me to my next point. Kids don't do drugs!

07-20-2009 at 12:05:26 AM
  • poetography
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  • Posts: 608

write baby write ( not to be mean)

Whe I began writing ..the first words out of peoples mouth were ; are you going to get your stories and poems published, will you sell them etc etc...I began writing because i think i got stuck by lightening , didn't feel it and it rewired my brain - no kidding. So for I wile I would anser these questions about publishing trying to justify my art by connecting it with some sort of commercial venture that people would understand ..I would get blank looks when I said I just love to write and I dont care about publishing or notoriety..although I have gotten a bit of that locally and it did feel good but I did not chase it.
The one day I thought, you know, there are a lot of recreational golfer and tennis players and fisherpeople and gardeners and bowlers and they all don't expect to become pro or go to the olympics or get critiqued by thier peers in trade magazines. They do these thing as an enjoyable past time and to find friends and relate to other people with common interests. For example boating people are friendly to others on the water and wave and say high and talk on the dock. Now for some reason, when it comes to writing people feel like they have to write special or profound or have perfect grammer or that they might get discovered one day or sell a book or get famous and other writers get all worked up about whats good writing as opposed to bad writing and who should post and who should not and the entire thing is over intellectualized and beat to death. So what is the big deal. Where is the argument ? Bad golfers keep golfing , bad bowlers keep bowling - sometimes they even have really good days and shoot a low score or a high game ; but the don't get kicked off the alley or the golf course and at the bar the good golfer share beers with the no so good golfers..im not a golfer by the way . Furthermore, I always got the impression that OP.com was just a friendly sight for all poets and this is why I like it. it's easy to use and people are nice and give feedback and support . So in conclusion...I think this discussion has no basis . If people think that thier poetry is worthy or awards and literary recognition perhaps this is not the site for them to hope to get discovered or communicate with poets of thier caliper and experience ..for the rest of I say ..write baby write !!
The next one might be a hole in one !! You just never know ..but you gotta paly to win .


07-20-2009 at 02:31:09 AM

Re: not to be mean but....

Whe I began writing ..the first words out of peoples mouth were ; are you going to get your stories and poems published, will you sell them etc etc...I began writing because i think i got stuck by lightening , didn't feel it and it rewired my brain

Good argument! Thanks!

This leads me to my next point. Kids don't do drugs!

bad argument! Thanks!

07-20-2009 at 03:27:39 AM

Re: write baby write ( not to be mean)

Bad golfers keep golfing , bad bowlers keep bowling.

That is some good think'n right there boy.

Last edited by Hiporlacking 07-20-2009 at 03:28:39 AM

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.