Original Poetry Forums

Typos, misspellings, or what have you...

07-13-2009 at 08:13:15 PM

Re: Typos, misspellings, or what have you...

ok whatever I find it funny that you lose your argument and go and change your user name. but its all good!!!!! cool smirk

07-13-2009 at 10:54:17 PM

Re: We had a good one going there...

Originally Posted by indiancowboy91

Hey y'all, I guess we all had our say about censorship, flag waving, typos, and feelings. I think we helped each other in a different kind of arena...one where nobody got hurt, nor lost to the beasts.
Thanks...gogant grin[/quote

Cool-Us poets get a little sensitive. At least I do. Time to do some mantra's. Was that correct punctuation? lol LOL grin

07-14-2009 at 12:42:38 AM

We had a good one going there...

I don't think I won or lost any so called arguments, Miss Jezzabel. I did not change my user name...somehow that indiancowboy91 name got into my account. So, why don't you start a new post and see if we can be energized. Hey, I have my latest poem, Clambering, in the contest...gee, would I love to be this week's winner. cool hmm
Me, gogant...

07-14-2009 at 05:54:36 PM

Did you bring your Teacher apples?

Did you bring your Teacher apples?
Because you loved them...

Did you flip the page in english, or in a poetry book?
Because you were not interested..

To question #1
I bet the majority will say, no....
To question #2
I bet the majority will say, yes....

My first rhyme was ====
Triple Nipple, I repeat Tripple Nipple

That is what I named my teacher.
Can you guess why?

Funni ha.
Ok the moral to my post is.

In American schools, we, learned about Edgar Allan Poe.
And still taught.

I think it's odd, but great.
That we got to learn about killing.
Remember Tell Tale Heart?
Stand up and read that to your kids, come on do it.
Their teachers are.
wow, fucked up ha.
well there is your Vulgarity.

Now let me tell ya about a man named Bob.

This is Bobs' theory, and mine.

The Poe Syndrome

The simpler, but stronger truth.
I ask you to read the history and
works of Edgar Allan Poe.
Figure out the enigma that broke the rule,
and why he is now taught in schools

Fame, there is troubles collecting it.
I did wish for fame, and
I thank you all, but no thanks.
It’s all the more deserved, but I don’t:
fame no more, for my fame is death.

The foundations belong to humanity;
but be aware, it deceives and is utterly distinct.
With or without fame.
The difference is the plainest, and
that is plain enough.
Fame is itself, and speaks for itself.
I salute fame.
So in all fame forces drive infamous forces like me.
The limit and loss can not be anything,
but a tragedy; if fame can’t be lost.
Time is fames legend.


Now I received a phone call, to post this.
I hope this helps, I really hope you have a flag factory, because, we Americans
here will need them.
welcome to America,
and Vote for Bob

Your Word Slinging neighbor

John E WordSlinger

Last edited by WordSlinger 07-14-2009 at 06:35:34 PM

07-14-2009 at 11:26:33 PM

Re: Typos, misspellings, or what have you...

There's a lotta convolution in that revolution!

07-17-2009 at 03:01:54 AM

Re: Typos, misspellings, or what have you...

wordslinger is an enigma.....and I DIG THAT ABOUT HIM............ but I still think goant is full of %!&*!

indiancowboy91 just some how got into his account.....sure it did. what did you forget what user name you were on and posted a reply by mistake? I'm not mad at you.....i just don't agree with your whole out look on poetry. I'm not going to be disrespectful. I've checked out your home page and you ( according to the info you provided) are a man many years my senior. so due to the fact that i was raised to have manners and respect my elders i'm restricted from really telling you how much and how strongly i disagree with everything you stand for gogant or indiancowboy91 or who ever you are. i'm done with this whole topic.......i've said all i have to say so don't try to bait me into a public argument......because i ain't fish and i'm not biting......

can someone please get my weed back from Bob.....he can keep the car.

cool mad cool mad cool smirk rolleyes

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.