Original Poetry Forums


08-06-2009 at 02:58:16 PM


Hi, Newby here. Wanted to post today & CC&P from my draft MY poem. Would not work.
One finger typist - is this policy or a fluke? Thanks for any help. IrishMs. rolleyes rolleyes

08-06-2009 at 04:10:52 PM

Re: CC&P

Originally Posted by IrishMs

Hi, Newby here. Wanted to post today & CC&P from my draft MY poem. Would not work.
One finger typist - is this policy or a fluke? Thanks for any help. IrishMs. rolleyes rolleyes

Copy and paste should work. What error or problem is it causing?

-Papa Paczki snake

08-09-2009 at 10:30:49 AM

Re: CC&P

Thank you for replying. I have no trouble using CC&P & pasting my poetry draft elsewhere., It IS stored in memory, BUT- When I tried to paste on this site It wouldn't print out.

I concluded there is some kind of voodoo at work here.

I'm working with a webtv box-not a regular computer. Guess I'll have to bite the bullet & type it out the old fashioned way. Thanks again. IrishMs grin

08-09-2009 at 07:17:17 PM

Re: CC&P

Hey Irish miss, I had typed up a poem in MS works, copied it and then went to paste it in OP, it pasted but not the way I wanted, so, I too, had to do it right into the box using what fonts and such that are available. Let me know if you find a secret on how to copy and paste.

08-10-2009 at 02:56:02 PM

Re: Re: CC&P

Originally Posted by gogant

Hey Irish miss, I had typed up a poem in MS works, copied it and then went to paste it in OP, it pasted but not the way I wanted, so, I too, had to do it right into the box using what fonts and such that are available. Let me know if you find a secret on how to copy and paste.

Use notepad as an in-between. Sometimes the rich text editor we use on the web site picks up some things from word and works that you can't see visibly. Notepad will strip it, then just copy/paste from notepad. Little annoying at first, but does the trick.

-Papa Paczki snake

08-10-2009 at 06:35:32 PM

Re: CC&P

Thanks, Papa Paczki. I'll let you know if it works.

08-19-2009 at 12:12:20 AM

Poetry or bios...

I've read quite a few poems posted on OP. I started wondering, after reading a lot of "poems" that appeared to me to be a partial autobiography...where is the line drawn between a poem and an autobiography ? Has anybody else wondered the same ?



08-31-2009 at 04:34:45 PM

Re: CC&P

My one poem printed here is entirely autobiographical. Atleast I think it's here--have not been able to find it. Entitled:"You've Heard of Lord Byron"--I sure would like to know what people think of it. IrishMs : cool smile

Last edited by IrishMs 08-31-2009 at 04:35:58 PM

08-31-2009 at 11:03:55 PM

Re: CC&P

Irish miss...I read your poem, You've heard of Lord Byron, and I wouldn't catorgarize it as even the slightest semblance of an autobiography. If you are truly Irish, you might enjoy reading my "A Dublin Cairn"
Hope your Irish eyes are smiling after...


09-01-2009 at 08:16:29 AM

Re: CC&P

gogant is that your baby picture?

09-01-2009 at 07:35:37 PM

Re: CC&P

Yeah, Miss jezzabel...I was two years old, and the ugliest kid on the block. Wait til I put my beefcake pic up of me when I was 28. Oh, is that your eye or is it a kibosh ?

red face

09-02-2009 at 11:01:19 AM

Gogant's Comments on MY poem

Gogant, You are a bit presumptive to declare my poem as not autobigraphical.
'Enuf said.

I read your Dublin Cairn entry & agree with others who said it was much more Scottish then Irish. Though born in USA--I grew up in Eire. Please define kibosh.
I know what It used to mean. Thanks.

09-02-2009 at 09:56:31 PM

Re: CC&P

Presumptive--I suppose...perhaps a more learned one than I, could, or would, read into a poem a different logistical sense of what it is or what it is not.
My thoughts on kibosh are truly speculative...to me it is some kind of spell. The pic of Miss jezzabel's looks like an evil eye casting a spell on all who gaze upon it.
Writing my poem, A Dublin Cairn, had a lot of made up words...I felt as though I were in Ireland as I wrote words that seemed to be mouthed by an Irishman. I am German, by the way. I have my own saying...There are those who are Irish, and those who wish they were German.
Be not swayed by the mystical leer of Miss jezzabel's eye...if it is her eye.

shock Show me the back door !!!!

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.