Worlds Collide
Worlds Collide
Happiness kept
at bay by
locations separate.
Bliss & pain
one in the same
but held apart
by a sanctuary
invaded by her beauty.
Now, what was
once two
has become one.
My solitude shattered
by a presence perfect
& fleeting but remaining
in memory.
A shock to the system
were it not promised
Lasers dance among
the stars and paint
pictures of
She, beside me
completes my life.
Together we float
above the cradle of humanity,
its blue oceans reflect
hopes and fears
shared and lost
and I trapped
alone on this
terrestrial sphere
where apart and isolated
I cry.
Songs sing sounds
of feelings hidden
and obvious but
where respect & promises
before personal happiness go.
Electrons prance &
music swells
the senses, sweeping
us into a world unknown
and yet
all this wonder pales
to a simple look
into her eyes
where worlds collide.
Miracles and wonder
at every turn in
an information age
and yet to be her lesser half
would I gladly give all I have
and dwell only among
the caves with stars above
and she
at my side.
When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.
John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA