Original Poetry Forums

Hair cut

10-19-2009 at 10:24:10 PM
  • poetography
  • poetography
  • Posts: 608

Hair cut

Hair cut

I wanted a haircut.

“ So …..” He said.

“ Well…..” I responded as I
fitted my self into his chair as he draped me.

“ So….. What’ll it be?” – thick Russian accent -

“ Well…do you think if I get a number one it will make be look
like a bald guy?”

“A bald guy?” He glanced at my over grown 1.5 with the shine coming

“No –(politely)- I think not a bald guy but if you want I show you number
one, OK, my friend? “


He took an inch off the side with the clipper and rotated my head
so I could see # 1 in the mirror.



“So you like?”

“Yea I like, do it!”
" you have thin fine hair "
You know for the first 25 years of my life barbers always told me i had
beautiful thick hair"
he stumbled and tried to recover .
.....but , my friend , you have very healty skin .
That really made me feel good beacuse I'm overfocused on my helath ..in general .
" Is that right"

"yes, many customer come here with thich hair but they dont have healthy scalp skin like you "
" this is bull shit I thought "
" yes many people with full thick hair havy oily , unhealthy skin, not like you "
I decide to leave it with the good feeling that i have healthy skin , compare dto others

Getting any cut that begins with a # 1
feels more like having your head sanded with
a vibrating power tool then what haircuts used to feel like?

But what the hell.

Silence …between us.

Wide screen TV above our heads- some late
afternoon TV talk show mixing in with the
buzzing ,blowing and chatter of the shop behind us .

I close my eyes. He sanded.


“Yep” I opened then. (Knew the question to follow)

“ So what do you do?”

Barbers always wants to know what you do.

I try to give them as little as possible- to start.

“ I’m in business “



“What kind of business?”


“ I’m an inspector for the New York State Barber and Hair Saloon

His eyes zapped away from his routine 20th haircut of the day- sleepy gaze- and
drilled right into my dark brown mirror eyes.

Silence…Silence. hold out a little longer.

Big smile ……

“Only kidding. Only kidding” …

Relief … he smiled big. Began sanding again.

“You funny guy.” (Heavy cigarette breath)

“Yea me funny guy.”



“No ,actually, I’m in the plastics business.”
But that was all I’d give him - and went right to the stock market.

(My days of teaching barbers my businesses are over)

“The market must be down” I said

“NO! Why you say this?” He seemed distressed.

“Bad news this morning in the papers.”

Ears perk up in the shop.

Another barber comes over – Russian too.

“Why you say market down- market is up.” Says barber 2

“I don’t think so.”

“We have TV - we check.”

“Go ahead.”

Remote control click to a business news show.

248 points - barber two looked relieved.

“No it’s down 248. See its negative.” I say

“How you knew this?” HE CURSED

“I just knew. Bad news overnight in Asia and bad news in morning papers means
market will go down.”

Barber 2 asks - “you stockbroker?”

Barber one, the sander, says “No he is businessman; plastics business.”

My head was looking good I thought, neat clean: bald.

I’m a number one guy now.

I began to think about fractions- for a second.

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.