reminiscing "love"
reminiscing "love"
I once had a love
a real love
a love that gave me a great fire inside
Love never hurt me
Love always made sure I was happy
I thank Love
for showing me love
Love and I talked about everything
Love and I did everything together
Love and I made LOVE
Love and I once shared a kiss that was so passionate
I felt the fire inside of me burning abundantly
that kiss did things to me I never thought possible
Love kept me in a trance
soft, luscious, and delectable lips
drowning in juices
Simply speechless....
I once thought i was in love before Love came into my life
I would find out later that my true love
was the one I adored
Everything was perfect
I couldn't ask for more
All seen the new glow in my countenance
I was on top of the world
Love and I were invencible
I kept loving Love...
until one day
we lost touch
things were never the same
It all happened so sudden...
as I go on with the rest of my life questioning....
what went wrong...
was it something I did....
I thought we were happy together
Many say when something's going wrong in a relationship
they suggest a list
a list of pros and cons
they say if the cons out weigh the pros... get rid of "Love"
but if the pros out weigh the cons... fight for Love
I intended to fight
but Love was gone
Love left with no words... no closure
Now, all I have is memories
memories that replay in my head constantly
while listening to the many songs we called "our songs"
Trying to find closure
I sit wondering if we'll ever be what we once were
if love still remember the delightful times we had
which seemed to be lost in the past
Will I ever meet Love again...
or even a love just as great or greater...
I wonder...
I wonder...
while im wondering....
im reminiscing love
at sixteen who knows love
we assume love
but the love who i thought was real love
was lust
taken by passion
driven by force
innocent blood shed
reminiscing "love"
emphasizing the quote
When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.
John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA