Original Poetry Forums

Challenge: Shapes

04-15-2010 at 11:02:27 AM

Challenge: Shapes

I am bored, so I guess I will try to make a "Daily Poetry Challenge"

Write a poem that says what shape you are.

Shouldn't be too difficult, and I think it is original ^^

have fun

04-16-2010 at 05:28:52 AM

RE: Challenge: Shapes

Hi jpmaster13

Are you going to be making a poem for this challenge?

04-17-2010 at 12:25:04 AM

RE: Challenge: Shapes My Poem Challenge

Hi jpmaster13

I am posting my Poem for your Challenge

I am the shape of Change

I was the shape of selfish, thought I was so elfish
I had a bad genie wish, myopic shaped blue-ish
I was the shape of Cruel Names, in a scoring terrain
I was the shape of sad blame, born in the abused brain
I was the shape of fire, consumed like word-pyre
I was the shape of liar, won't you be my crier?
I was the shape of the guest, and I brought stale darkness
I was the shape of old death, slingshot stones from sly breath

* * *

I am the shape of the beast, until I can release
kindness that comes to the feast, then I'm the shape of peace
I am the shape of old wounds, that change with the new moons
I am the shape of movement, I strive for improvement
I am the shape of caring, brazen, bold and daring
I want the shape of Love's tunes, melodic honeymoons
I want the shape desire, funneled, a live-whyer
I want the shape of higher, Universal flier.

Poem 1 Assignment - RHPeat Poetry Class OP Forum
18 lines, comparing in 2 stanzas, using 2 different anaphora

Last edited by Springsize 04-18-2010 at 04:26:46 AM

04-17-2010 at 04:00:09 PM

Shapes: Jpmaster13

I am a circle, round and round,
I cannot be ended,
And have no begining
No sides of me,
Are shaded or hidden,
I am the same,
From all angles,
diameter cuts me into pieces,
Dividing me into parts
To divide among the world,
To give everyone a part of me,
To hope to make the world smile,

Bah... I hate it, I just wrote for fun -.-

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.