New Student Guide' Teachers Meeting Next FridayWe are making changes.. Clean up Fridays.... New Student Guide' Teachers Meeting Next Friday Do Not Post Messages Or Anything Else, Please Do Not Quote!! =-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Pick a class or classes that you want to take. 2. Start from assignment one 3. Post in the class/thread that you are taking introduce yourself, and here is the key, keep the same post/spot, and when you have finished your assignment, add it to Student Folders here in the forum. 4. Post it on your page, in the commentary add what class your assignment info, The Teacher has provided that for you. 5. Come back to class/thread, and delete the prior post. 6. Repost, inform the class you have posted your poem in the folder, and have posted it on your page. 7. Critiques, critique on the Poets poem on their page, and copy your critique, and copy/post it to your Critique folder. The reason for the Critique folder, is so we learn how to critique: 8. Be proud of your selves, you are Grass hopper.. ------------------------------------------------------------------ There is a technique called copy and paste, please use that function, pm me I'll show you. Much can take place behind the scenes as well by exchanging emails to personal boards. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Do Not Post Messages Or Anything Else, Please Do Not Quote!! =-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This is just a Guide Post/Rotator We are sorry for the change, but new students need your assistance. Thank you. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Last edited by WordSlinger 04-30-2010 at 04:47:16 PM |
Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.
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