CROCS! HUMANS FED TO CROCS??? BY GOD, NO!Could it be true, humans are fed to crocs? Cousinsoren hopes to present the story poetically, as soon as he has completed its verification.] When I saw this article I started to laugh at the idea as being "just another rumour" (maybe I am now hysterical?), although supposedly a POLICE REPORT to the Star Neswpaper, but then I started thinking. Who keeps pet crocs? Certainly not one of the poorest communities in Jamaica, who can hardly feed themselves much less 2 crocs that would need lbs of meat per day!!?? So now I'm asking myself ... are we starting to see the real seamy underbelly of life in Jamaica under our current political system? At least it made me go HMMMM..... eat well . laugh often . live long Preparations are now being made to test if two crocodiles which were found in Tivoli Gardens were fed humans, THE STAR has learnt. Police sources told THE STAR that the two reptiles were found caged in a section of the community. Sources say the crocodiles were not fully grown but were at least four feet long. Officials responsible for animals were reportedly contacted and tests of the stomach contents are being planned. This as Tivoli Gardens is known to have men who administer punishment which they deem appropriate upon those who disobey orders. It is believed that the crocodiles were used in instances where death was the penalty. "Well there is to be a test on the animals' stomach contents so we will have to wait on those results. But these people have their own justice system so to speak so the possibility exists that the crocodiles were used for this purpose," a high-ranking member of the Jamaica Constabulary Force, told THE STAR. punishment One resident from the community told THE STAR that the reptiles were being held at a section of the community called 'Queensbridge'. Asked if people were ever fed to them as punishment, residents said they have heard tales of such acts, but could not confirm. "Mi know di crocodile dem deh yah but mi nuh know if dem eat people fi true. Mi hear argument like dat yes but yu cyaa work off a hear say," a resident said. The security forces are continuing their operations in Tivoli Gardens and surrounding areas. The operation began last Monday and hundreds of people were detained, all of whom, except 10, have been released. A number of weapons and ammunition have also been seized. The security forces are in search of Christopher 'Dudus' Coke, who is wanted locally to be served with extradition papers while the United States wants him to answer to gunrunning and drug trafficking charges. Last edited by cousinsoren 06-05-2010 at 03:39:33 AM |
In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.
Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.