RE: NOW I KNOW, BUT LESS I UNDERSTANDKab is gone by his own free will. Instead of backing off and calming down, he asked me to delete his account. Yes, its sad that he did. Its sad that anyone would go that route. Hopefully he can find a way to curb is outburst and anger and go back to what he was doing. |
RE:Last year, Kab wrote a poem that he had "remade", of course, that wasn't his ID at the time. It was one of the most powerful pieces that I have ever read. It seems to fit here. I went to his youtube site and found it, although it took me a while since he had changed the name of the poem. Here it is in the man's own words. At least he deserves to be heard: Last edited by CorinthiaSugar 09-18-2010 at 10:13:23 PM |
RE: RE:Quote: Originally Posted by CorinthiaSugar Last year, Kab wrote a poem that he had "remade", of course, that wasn't his ID at the time. It was one of the most powerful pieces that I have ever read. It seems to fit here. I went to his youtube site and found it, although it took me a while since he had changed the name of the poem. Here it is in the man's own words. At least he deserves to be heard: Some trust without a shred of fact, Expecting all to stay intact; Assuming only through volition, By laying blame on intuition. Then all the foulness that's been said, They set about to cruelly spread; Each time they tell their putrid tales, Their coffin shuts with shiny nails. For no one will abide a rumor, Which festers like malignant tumor; It doubles back, thus triple strong, Indicting all with lying tongue. Duplitious words pollute our space, Marking those of double-face; Whose patronizing coup-de-grace, Is blowing smoke right up your ass! The rumor-mill is fed in kind, By all those with a grudge to grind; Who will not let their rancor die, And let those smelly corpses lie. The grapevine's worked with evil deeds, And brings about the vilest weeds; That rob the fragile fame of breath, And chokes the righteous name to death. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHDWR69eT0I Would you guys call this a "lethal rant"? Say what you will, that old boy could sure get his point across! LOL "the grapevine's worked with evil deeds, And brings about the vilest weeds; That rob the fragile fame of breath, And chokes the righteous name to death." YEAH, Corinthia,. I recognize Kabbalistic ( David Neves, my friend) as a cynic like myself, but far more perceptive, far more rabid, far more peppery, far more acidic, far more bold, more choleric and more interesting than I am, and than most OP members. Bless him!... Of course his mastery of the poetic art is superb and unparalleled. . . . Last edited by cousinsoren 09-19-2010 at 01:18:25 PM |
RE: RE:Last edited by cousinsoren 09-19-2010 at 12:59:54 PM |
Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.
T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.