Original Poetry Forums


11-22-2010 at 08:21:04 PM


This is Thanksgiving Week and I challenge you to write a poem about Thanksgiving.

BASIC: Has to be about Thanksgiving

INTERMEDIATE: Same as BASIC + has to be a story, no first person references and at least 10 lines long(including 1 word lines if you choose to use them)

DIFFICULT: Same as BASIC + has to be a story, no first person references at least 25 lines long(including 1 word lines if you choose to use them)

EXTREMELY DIFFICULT: Same thing as DIFFICULT + your writing must contain something(impression, description, ANYTHING you can think of) about any(or all) of the pictures below.

11-22-2010 at 09:03:54 PM


Gobble, Gobble, yo!

11-23-2010 at 10:22:06 AM
  • Londo
  • Londo
  • Posts: 173


A Thanksgiving Verse

11-23-2010 at 01:44:33 PM


Hip: Haha! For real!

Londo: Thanks for that beautiful poem, 'tis a joyous thanks... To not be the turkey. haha! I totally enjoyed the read!

11-23-2010 at 03:08:35 PM


THat is a really good thing and i really like this so you should add me excaim

11-23-2010 at 03:53:16 PM


A Nightmare Of Thanksgiving
I decided to write a SCARY Thanksgiving poem... I'm trying to experiment with something new(in the plot, and telling a story) so... idk how good it is...

11-24-2010 at 05:42:42 PM


The Thanksgiving Hostess

The house has been turned upside down.
No dust mossy or cobweb could be found.
The vacuum was used along the edge of each wall.
Requests for help were called to tall and small.
The lady of the house was doing her best,
to make ALL feel welcome once they entered her nest!

The food shopping was completed after only 3 trips.
She finally had everything needed for each dish.
The deserts are made first, but eaten last.
Makes you wonder if this was the way in was done in the past.

Wednesday is filled with the first dishes to cook.
Recipes spread out into each little nook.
What goes with what was carefully planned.
Now to pull it all together without forgetting a thing.

The pies are baked and the dishes away.
All ingredients were measured and ready for the next day.
Everything back in order as if nothing was done.
The cooking of last minute things are all that is left.
Tomorrow she felt would be a big test.

As she showers and gets ready for bed,
she runs through her check list again in her head.
She thinks "I have everything in order, now I can rest my head."

The next morning comes early and she starts with a jump.
Bans everyone from the kitchen with the threat of getting a thump.
She needs room to maneuver to accomplish this task.
"Maybe after dinner is served some one will pass me a glass."

The Turkey is wrestled into its roasting pan.
It is stuffed so thoroughly that it almost overflows the pan.
The Basting begins after an hour.
The juices sealed in with a perfect technique.

The other dishes are cooked and timed perfectly.
This year she will be sure that everyone is stuffed.
She scrambles to make sure everything is ready.

Now for the table, everything must be just so.
The cloth is spread out with love and care.
Each china dish is placed carefully there.
She forgets what a joy it is to set a grand table.
She promises herself, "I will do this as long as I'm able."

She looks at the clock and wipes her brow.
Time to jump in the shower and get herself ready.
She bounds up the stairs and calls down to hubby,
"Please watch my pots, I'll be back in a hurry."

Up in her room she sheds her sweats,
Steps into the shower and says a quick prayer.
"God please help everything go well,
let them all know how much I care."

Ten minutes later she descends the stairs.
Her husbands eyes widen in amazement
at how she has transformed.
The kids holler "Look at Mommy! Her dress is so pretty!"
She thanks them and then rushes to the door.

Now it has begun, the day they have been waiting for.
Loved ones and friends from all different states.
Each carrying an offering to her already over laden table.

Finally everyone is seated around this feast!
The young ones wide eyed at the amount of food to eat.
The turkey is carved and has the juiciest of meat.

Her husband stands up and lifts his glass.
The others do the same & so does she.
He has never done this before, what will he say....

"Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to gather together.
We do so to count our blessings in so many ways.
I am grateful for all the people here and the people in my life,
but God I must tell you, I am MOST grateful for my wife."

She looked at him and a tear slid down her cheek.
His face was so full of emotion, it was quite raw.
He leaned down to kiss her, and whispered in her ear.....

"Honey you are the most amazing person I know.
I am so glad that we found each other,
for I would be nothing without you in my life.
I am so grateful that you chose to be my wife."

She sighed with contentment and kissed him on cheek.
She raised her glass and added to his toast.
"What a wonderful Thanksgiving,
I am thankful for everyone and everything."

11-25-2010 at 09:29:14 AM
  • Londo
  • Londo
  • Posts: 173


Well, that brought a tear to my eyes. Happy Thanksgiving to all.


11-25-2010 at 11:18:20 AM


Londo Thank you if that was meant for me. If not your comment is still appreciated.

Londo That was a wonderful and light poem that reminds us of just how much we have.
Supperchick I liked your poem. It kept you guessing until the end.

Happy Thanksgiving to all. May your blessings be many!!!!

11-25-2010 at 11:34:47 AM


Thank you for that beautiful poem, MO2. What a wonderful thing to read whilst the cheerful holiday music plays in the background. Truly sets the mood for a wonderful Thanksgiving.

11-26-2010 at 10:12:31 AM


Originally Posted by SuperChick62

This is Thanksgiving Week and I challenge you to write a poem about Thanksgiving.

Has to be about Thanksgiving
has to be a story
at least 25 lines long
your writing must contain something (impression, description, ANYTHING you can think of) about the pictures below.

5,4,5,4 meter rhyme with 6 meter rhyme

Thanksgiving Dance

that last look of home
we had no ride
can't feel the golden
I really tried

I tried to not forget

oh mama, it's cold
so cold inside
last night was scary
my stomach cried

an autumn storm duet

singing in thunder
mouth open wide
tasting and eating
air .... baked, not fried

golden brown at sunset

mama, let's play how
we try to hide
the food we don't have
in the high tide

music, in silhouette

and we are the waves
in the sea ride
dancing, we're dancing...
so thankful-eyed

mama, we ain't dead yet.

11-26-2010 at 12:02:52 PM


Thank you so much, Springsize, for your very enjoyable poem.

Thank you everyone for participating in this Holiday Challenge... Even though the Holiday's passed, don't be afraid to post your poem! There IS such a thing as POST Thanksgiving poetry. smile

Also, don't be surprised if we have a Christmas special coming up at the beginning of the month. smile


Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source