"I want to be the one"


  • Love
  • ,
  • Emotional
    • melanie72
    • In our lives -- we must lose something we love, to know what love really is!

    Poem Commentary

    To a very special love in my life - thank you for love !

    "I want to be the one"

                                                   I want to be the one,
                              the one different than the rest-
                                   the one you want by your side,
                                       I want to be the best !

                                       I want to be the one-
                                 the one who makes you smile-
                              the one who gives you all she's got,
                                 the one who's worth your while-

                                      I want to be the one,
                                the one you kiss goodnight -
                            the one you wrap your arms around,
                                the one you hold every night-

                                     I want to be the one ,
                              the one who's faithful to you-
                          the one who always believes in you,
                                and knows your faithful too-

                                     I want to be the one,
                        the one who makes your heart beat fast-
                       the one who knows exactly what she wants,
                              and the one who will make it last !

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    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    melanie72’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    He's just your friend 2
    "Wondering" 2
    "I want to be the one" 1