If you knew....


  • Love

    If you knew....

    Would you really want him if you knew...
    how much stress he causes on a daily basis
    how some nights he wont' even come home
    or are you simply going off of his looks alone.
    Would you really want him if you knew .....
    how he leaves every year from being locked up for months or years at a time
    how he's never had a job and don't want one because he's inlove with the street life
    or are you simply going off of his looks alone.
    Would you really want him if you knew...
    how women are constantly throwing themselves at him, in your presence or not
    how he loves being the center of their attention and longful affection
    or are you simply going off of his looks alone.
    You see this is what I deal with daily by not only being inlove with this man, but being married to him....
    women constantly disrespecting my marriage by making useless attempts to replace me without knowing the realness of him.
    All they know is that he is fine with a body of a god...
    hoping and praying that he will conform and do all of the sensual and sexual things they fantasize....
    without ever once thinking of the wife... or how she may feel..
    how you may feel if you really did walk in her heels.
    How would he treat you....ask yourself truthfully...
    would he love me, hug me, provide for me, or simply cheat on me?
    Would you be able to deal with all of the hurts and pains that his life tends to constantly bring...
    or would you  simply want to screw him and ride out the good times of every now and then....
    or would you abandon him because it would be entirely  too much for one woman...
    the strongest woman....to bare?
    So that brings me back to my original question....
    would you really want him, love him, and need him
    if you knew what loving him and living life with him would truly bring?

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    PoeticLiqueur commented on If you knew....


    "Wow! If you knew" a very strong poem, I enjoyed reading it.



    Thank you.

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    divineessence’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    When it's all said and done.... 0
    If you really knew/part2 0
    If you knew.... 1

    divineessence’s Friends (1)