

  • Love


    It is something that can only be observed from a far
    Something to be experienced and unheard of
    It is like eating your favorite dessert and not caring a bit
    Letting the taste wrap and entral you into a mist
    That is L0v3.

    It is like a favorite song
    Something you can listen to and sing along
    The singer or group in front of you singing the melodies with such ease
    Melting you away into nothingness.

    Can you feel the L0v3 yet?
    it just hits a person sometimes
    out of no where and no where to hide from
    this is love.
    its undeniably delicious to feel loved back
    this person can feel what you feel and return the thoughts
    the thoughts that they can read without communication.
    can you feel it?
    can you taste it?
    can you touch it?
    if you can't
    someday you will.
    don't worry because love will find you.
    it always does.

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    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

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