

  • Family
    • BEVAUC
    • is wishing a few people would rate my first poem


    "Come" my friend said "I'v set you up with a blind date"
    I was so excited I could hardly wait
    When we did finally meet
    He swept me off my feet.

    He took me nice places
    One day even to the races
    He bought me lovely gifts
    A diamond watch for my wrist
    He was loving and givings
    And I went around singing.

    Then one day he bent on one knee
    And said "please will you marry me"
    I jumped with such joy
    Knew now he really was MY boy
    I walked down the aisle
    On my face a big smile
    That day I became a wife
    Hopefully for the rest of my life!

    We bought our first home
    Every day spoke to my Mom on the phone
    Soon I became a Mother
    Not long and he had a little brother

    Over the years we had our fights
    And I cried myself to sleep many nights
    Many times I thought shall I go or shall I stay
    Just did not know if things would turn out ok.

    We have had good times and bad
    Many happy and some sad
    But together we stayed
    Side by side we have laid
    Twenty years on
    How fast they have gone!

    Poem Comments


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    WordSlinger commented on Marriage


    Very true, as time goes by, and you still have love, that shows how powerful love is, ty WS

    JimMagill commented on Marriage


    Hello, BEVAUC: I really enjoyed this poem; it was a pleasure to read! ---Jim Magill Web Site:



    Thanks Jim, it's so nice to have good comments, I will read some of yours and leave some comments. Thanks again. Bev

    FlowerGirl commented on Marriage


    Hi, I Like This Poem Because, It Is Real....Nothing Held Back In The Truths Of Time Passe,d As You See And Feel It.... I Admire, Your Courage, To Write This Poem....Considering The Tears And Sadness... Because. It Takes... Going Thru Difficulties Sometimes, To Get Through To The Good Of Things..... When You Love Someone....And They Love You Back,It Is Well Worth, The Challenge And The Struggle........ It Is Always Good To Love Someone...To Share And Give Of Oneself ....But, We Must Believe And Know That, We Are Deserving Of That As Well!..... May You And Yours.. Always Be In Love.. And Encouraged To Keep Your Marriage Strong.. Now, Always And Forever I Encourage, That You Continue To Keep Searching deep Within, For More Understanding Of Thy Purpose, As Life's Experiences, Unfold.. And You Grow Into Them...... God's Love And, Guidance.. Will Gladly Lead The Way.... Be Blessed FlowerGirl,



    Thank you soo much for your lovely comments FlowerGirl, you seem so wise and can see the messages

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    BEVAUC’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Fear 3
    Marriage 3
    Motherhood 3