Moonlight Masquerade


  • Michael87024
  • ok, she came home for a "visit", but does that mean she is staying? Not likely....

Poem Commentary

I have finished Moonlight Masquerade. This is dedicated to Miss Sarah Jean Lawrence.

Moonlight Masquerade

Stale salt breeze, aged wood and spirits
fill my nose as I crouch in the doorframe.
The streets a flutter, busy from time of year
patrons buying gifts for kids, I long for the same


The windows which first caught her beauty
led me to this dilapidated gathering hole.
as I crouch, I make out her magnificence
enigma within a mystery engulfed in puzzle


Silhouetted shadows mark the cobble with footfalls
she makes her way, away to where the heart stutters.
Beating in my euphoria, pounding in my peripheral
she glances towards me and opens her shutters


Green eyes pierce the psyche, as if lightning struck
conscious thought evades, my last breath escapes, free
Be still my heart for you flirt with knowledge
she must not know, the beast who stallks his beauty


By the light of the moon I see her milky white skin
how did she come to be, where was she going
For if I knew I would surely follow this siren
I must know this heaven sent angel, this being


It is a burden to fathom such exquisite beauty
for my heart will not calm its rapid rate
I make a move as if to introduce myself
something else about her stops my wake


Her shoulders are bare, yet not bare at all
to take a dirty paintbrush and flick this way
to somehow riddle the flesh with spots
the color of sand, the look of freckled spray


Piqued interest as to whether she belongs
here where the scallywags roam the night
though she does look a fraction out of sorts
intimidated, no, she holds her own in fight


She dances her way into town, gliding
singing a glorious and inviting notation
somewhat melodramatic, she is a natural
the audience she envisions, standing ovation


As she moves on, I make my way near
she must not slip these windows tonight
for in her I see all that is me, myself, I
searching for this marvel, here in my eyesight


It is a wonder to have my thoughts read
she turns and hastens in my direction
she must have seen, or maybe heard
for reconnaissance, not my gift, deception


In one fell swoop, mystery comes undone
an oak barrel had eluded all of my senses
she draws closer, I stumble this way and that
footing lost, head knocks the street, vision dances


My dream was not real, or maybe it was
I cannot tell for I am not here, or even there
somewhere in between this heaven and hell
lilac and lavender, sweet bliss fills the air


Slowly the shutters, weary and weak, open
dazed and misconstrued are my every thought
where am I, who, what has happened to me
this last question, unexpectedly answered


"You drunken buffoon, nearly lost the light."
sitting up, vertigo washes through, faintly
"now now, lie back down, get you some rest."
she has taken care of me so adequately


Waking again, this time seemingly alone
I stand and observe this remarkable place
trinquets and jewelry as well as knic-knacs
I fancy my way to the most beautiful face


As if looking straight at me, the eyes bend
this is the angel in my mental escapades
what, who, where am I? how did I get here
the answer startled me, whip around, charade


In the doorframe stands the brightest white
overflowing emotion cannot stifle the gasp
here standing before me, the picture, alive
"You are in my home, you had a nasty gash."


"You were bleeding badly upon my approach
so I brought you here, to mend your wound."
spoken to me as if I were real, am I here
surely if I speak she will disappear, unfound


She steps into the room, now I see, a parlor
floating on the wind, next to me she stops
"Introductions are in order sir, who may I ask
am I speaking with?" Stupified I choke, my name


"Well Michael, I am very pleased to meet you."
likewise maam, but my life, please, why save
"You were watching me, I want to know why."
Beautiful as you are, I had to know your name


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cmlestrade commented on Moonlight Masquerade


Excellent piece. Your structure for the poem was intriquing, each key word brought us a new emotion in the next stanza. Well written and engaging.

danmartyjake1 commented on Moonlight Masquerade


Beautiful account of an indelible encounter. I liked the emphasis on the first word in each collection or stanza. Nice Job.

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Michael87024’s Poems (26)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Summer, Solace 0
Wail of the World 2
Morph 2
Cleansing 1
Daydream 1
Reflection 0
Moonlight Masquerade 2
United Slaves of America 0
Hapless Harpie 0
Untitled 1
Drip Drop 2
Relax or Relapse 1
Enchanted Dreamscape 3
Gore-tex Guppy 0
Politically F**ked 1
The boy in the mirror 1
Lessons learned 0
Skip a beat (on bended knee) 1
Mutant Memory 0
Miracles 2
Picture Perfect 1
Misfire 0
Masichists' Prayer 0
March 3rd, 1993 3:22 p.m. 2
The bridge that won't burn 2
I am one 0