This is the real world: Inconsiderate people come to your door masked with considerate intentions. With warm hugs, handshakes, and smiles. I am just a very faint hiccup, or a blip in all of this. Things wouldn't have gone as far as they did, if you didn't let it. I merely brought a very small element (or a key), to the door just to open your mind. These people unconsciously leave a trail. Read between the lines. Break the cycle.
These people thrive on dependence, they want you to believe that you need them in one shape and or form in order for you to exist. The last thing these people want you to do is to believe in yourself.
Looking for a job?? Click the link below and earn your necessities off of being a dishonest piece of shit.
it's been fun
This is the best propaganda movie I could find on our government, because it made the most sense to me. With money being the all powerful entity. Money has hitman, as well as bounty hunters killing life over it, as well as the government halting all production and research on the hydro-electric and electric cars in the 70s and 80s because of how big of a cash cow the oil business is. It has people on t.v. humiliating themselves dressed in clown suits, and women degrading themselves all over the internet in bukkake films. And probably most disturbing money puts a price on the innocence of people, and countries. And when you think things weren't sick enough in this world they print on the back of the bills "In God we Trust." Now I believe that groups like the freemasons, as well as the illuminati have a lot to do with the turmoil that is unfolding before our very eyes, but like I said this movie made the most sense to me. Take it however you want to take it, and I'm sure there are things over exaggerated in this film as well as points missed but the truth can be a very tricky thing to find. We just have to accept the fact that it's out there.
"Give me your tired, poor, and hungry."
"Catch a fish for a man and you can feed him for a day. Teach man how to fish and he can eat for a lifetime."
**Please help our economy stay alive, spend the extra buck, and buy american made. Support local, and small businesses, don't give in to corporate giants.Voice your opinions, take down any politicans whom are passing laws that are unconstitutional. Get rid of every politican who looks at their job as a jump point, and not a privilege. We should start by getting rid of all those "old timers" who seek to retire in office. There are too many politicians in office who do not seek your freedom and equal opportunity, they'd rather exploit your ignorance. I often wonder what is the real reason why we have military bases established all over the world? We take a piece of their land, claim it as our own, and we basically call the shots on their home land. What is the real reason for this..? Are we paranoid? Are we looking to expand, and become less of a country and more of an empire? Or are we just making everyone else our own personal lab rats? What would it take for another country to establish a military base on American soil? Not only all that, but where is all of our tax money going, as well as all this needed money that our government is borrowing? America's number one export is debt, and once the middle class is living in poverty the shit house is going up in flames. I'm not sure if there is an afterlife to all of this or that there is some great meaning to life in general. But if heaven is real, then you will find most of your "stand up" political leaders in the eighth circle (and to think I used to be such a nice guy). Let's give what was foreseen as just an experiment, that our founding fathers saw as democracy a try. And if democracy should fail, then we should start anew as a republic. The time has come for recalibration.**
Here's a fun fact, the D.C in Washington D.C. You know? Our capital! Anyway, the D.C. actually stands for District of Columbia.. Take that however you want to, but when you think about it don't think about falling in line, and majority rules. When you think that way you become less of a person and more of a product. Every view, including opposing views are beautiful (because we can learn from each other), and I believe if you have the guts to tell them, then they should be heard. The people who don't see eye to eye with each other in the world, let alone can stand the company of one another, I believe is more linked to the fact that they are very similar people.
"Money only holds a value when it's in circulation, once it's no longer in circulation it has no value. It becomes just a worthless piece of paper."
War, and death cause inflation. Which in turn causes more circulation. I'm hoping that, that alone will explain to everyone why we are fighting wars that will never end, and why we are chasing the invisible man.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." -Jimi Hendrix
In regards to the poetry I've decided to leave behind on the site (I'm not planning on removing it.) Yes it's true, I could have kept some things to myself, but maybe it was my own therapy. As sick as it might seem, it actually felt really good to write. Some of my writing left me with guilt, while other pieces left me in relief. I'm not completely sure what sparked it the way it did, but it was just as much an enigma to me as it would be to anyone else. It's become a pretty monumental thing for me because I've never done anything like this before that felt so good, as well as came so easy. Every piece that I wrote I had to write within the sitting. I couldn't just write a couple lines, and then come back to it the next day. Whenever I attempted that, I would come back the next day not feeling the same raw emotions about the subject that I felt the day prior when I had the heat of all the emotions I was feeling. The longest I've worked on a piece, I think I was sitting here for about two hours (of course with little cig breaks added in.) But, (I know this might sound bad) I'm glad I wrote when I felt the need to write. Because just getting everything I had bottled up finally out there brought such a huge relief off of my shoulders and for that hour (or however long that feeling lasted), I was placed in a euphoric state, and suddenly it didn't feel so bad to be me (I was free.) People can criticize me for who I am, and it doesn't matter if your an old/new friend, or even a family member, while giving you my best (with an explanation of the things Ive been through and the things I've sacrificed,) I probably couldn't even sway you to understand (and that's ok.) You can take that however you want, but like I said I will leave my poetry here, because it wasn't only therapy, it was also a discovery of a limb I never thought I had.
Peace, Love, and Joy (as well as best wishes, in the pursuit of happiness)
so long