kavsrao’s Profile
- Age: private
- Location: private
- Gender: Female
- Country: US
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All through life, with hopes aloft
One looks for that ‘something’
Is it fame or peace or love or wealth
That ‘something’ is to bring?
Truth is what makes one lie
When it paints not a pretty picture
But when indeed it does one good
There is nothing any better
Instinct or intuition
Are a bunch of words abused
Logic is what matters
And is always put to use
Vast becomes the patience
When its need is most desired
Yet mounts the restlessness
When all against one conspire
Aspirations all set in stone
Be for good or for worse
One sets forth to get to them
With a gallop like a horse
Know not yet of what I write?
The seeds of hint are sown
The first letter of each verse read
Gets ME, all upside down!
Recent Poems
- In the blink of an eye
- Tags: Philosophy, Magic, Inspirational
- This life, a lucid trance With charms of night and day Potions of love and chance Leaving nothing more to say Glimpse of a shooting star Brings dreams back to ...
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