maryam21’s Profile

  • Age: private
  • Location: private
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
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Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

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maryam21’s Poems (64)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Life in the balance 3
Wicked 1
A Love that beats the Odds 2
The Acquaintance 2
Nature’s conversation 1
The Toy 1
Friendship 1
God over any squad 1
My reason 1
a writers block 0
gossip 0
A mother’s letter 1
U.G.L.Y 2
My Pain 0
Stand Up 0
The Right to Write 0
innocence 0
The historical Figure 0
Poisoned by hosing 1
The Misunderstood Sign 1
why I smile 1
the blame 0
strong demons in the shadow 1
Judgement 0
I Will 2
Think / Feel 0
No Hard feelings 0
The love struck poet 0
hood love, loyalty, and honor 0
Focused on Me 1
Tired 2
My letter to the lord 1
My Appologies 0
The Underrated 2
The Time Past 1
Sick and Crazy 1
The Broken Love 0
Mr. Nice Guy 1
Time 0
insparation 0
Drained 0
In Love 2
who she is 0
oh face 0
Mr. Extra Ordinary 0
the love of lover 0
My Wish for Us 1
Mr. Wisdom (part2) 0
played 0
Unfriendly disguises 0
Rotten Apple 0
Life 0
Mother the spoiled version 1
trials 1
Whose life is it really? 0
Mr. Wisdom 1
Most women 0
The love unspoken 2
An Inch from Drowning 0
The Wondering Mind 1
Two Timing Love 2
Beauties Disguise 0