tyesiawheeler’s Profile
- Age: 36
- Location: Suitland, Ma
- Gender: Female
- Country: US
- Public Profile URL:
No bio at this time.
Recent Poems
- The Most
- Tags: Loss, Death, Love, Sadness
- THE MOST My mother is the queen of my home She takes the role of my mother and father Since my father never really cared enough to actually be ...
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- Ecstasy
- Tags: Erotic, Passion
- My eyes scan the sky and catches sight of the full moon That just brightens up the dark sky Its pitch black in the room aside from the various candles lit Patiently ...
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- Waiting...
- Tags: Emotional, Anger
- Waiting Why do it seem like I’m constantly waiting for you? In my mind, I am waiting at the stop sign Willing you to stop Sometimes you stop for a ...
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- Six Years Later
- Tags: Loss, Family, Emotional
- I cannot believe how fast time flies It is said that time heals all wounds So why do my heart still feel so heavy It still seems like yesterday that my ...
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