Relationship Homicide


  • Death
    • tonylamar
    • is Urging people not to wait till God is all you have left, to realize He's all you ever needed.

    Relationship Homicide

    They say that pain is a definate sign that youre still alive, that your life for however much longer is still within you
    And that physical, emotional and spiritual continues and that the alternative, dead ...could have very well been you.

    Now what I'm referring to is not a situation
    brought on by some dire mis-hap or complication

    Some fire fall or shooting with malicious intent
    No, no boating airplane or driving accident

    No this is closer, this is personal. You see this is just one of the many outcomes of the dreaded relationship
    More likely than not from those who are illequiped

    Irresponsible, who act and think and move in haste
    Whos belief is to take ones time is a waste

    Who sees the object of their desire
    as anything other than the cheating, abusive, selfish, insecure, jealous liar

    That they unfortunately turn out to be, and you yourself couldnt forsee
    Because the second time yall ever went out, the sex was all T.H.A.T.

    See you judged the physical performance never seeing the intentions
    Listened to the lies never comparing what was mentioned

    With what was shown
    If only you say, if only I had known

    But this comes well after your expectations crash and burn
    Well after the process of you live and you learn

    Well after your friends and theirs know youre the punchline to the joke
    And your heart while fleeting was taking this tremendous beating to the point it just ...broke

    And then you waited for it, you waited for the pain to step in
    All the while saying..damn, please not again

    Waiting to take that painful lonely emotional ride
    But this time it doesnt happen, theres no pain you have to hide

    And you break down and begin to cry and mourn because you realize this time you've died inside
    Forever a victim...of Relationship Homicide.

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    po8t4life commented on Relationship Homicide


    u have a unique flow and a unique way of seeing life would like to coverse with u about being or getting published i just published 1 yr ago nov holla and keep your words strong

    NayInLove commented on Relationship Homicide


    nicely done!

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    tonylamar’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Reading inbetween the lines of "My Country Tis Of Thee" 1
    Why Do Our Children Fail? 0
    I Want To Know Again 3
    I Believe 1
    Relationship Homicide 2