

  • ravensaflight
  • is so thankful for the positive feedback and now have the confidence I may have been lacking before, so expect more posts! Thanks fellow poets!

Poem Commentary

One of my most recent writes...


The day that I will never forget is the one that matters the most!
When I learned about Jesus, I prayed for salvation, and was filled with the Holy Ghost!
I'm humbled because I know, undeserving am I, even to this day
For my sins have been many and great, yet he saw fit to wash them away.
Now Jesus is all that matters to me and no words can justify
How gracious he is to save someone like me, so I sit here and testify.
I’m a brand new creature, now under his grace, although once was bound by sin.
It is all a memory now that I’m saved and I let his sweet spirit come in.
How thankful I am is not a subject that I could ever express properly,
But until the day he calls me home I’ll keep shouting the victory!
Jesus is, and was, and always will be the alpha, omega, and more;
My savior, my rock, and my light for all times, the one that I truly adore!
Looking back now at the moment when he washed all my sins away,
I’ll know it as the greatest day of my life until he returns some sweet day!

Poem Comments


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wizthom commented on Saved


beautiful convictions of heart soul and mind ,freedom in the salvation to be had

shannie76 commented on Saved


Wow! I really love this poem. It is truly beautiful...

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

ravensaflight’s Poems (12)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Saved 2
Temptress 5
Insomnia 0
Hopeless 2
Tears of a Man 0
Reality 0
Panic 0
My poetry 1
Everything Changes 0
Addiction 2
Never Again 1
Thankful for the Pain 3