The Suffering Prince


  • Loss

    The Suffering Prince

    He looks in the mirror; Cant find himself.

    He Handicaps his potential, With poisons.

    "They take away the pain", he whispers to himself.

    He begins to lose control.

    Why does life keep bringing him in circles?

    Pain spreads like a plague.

    Tornado problems leave devastation's; He is now dazzled by chemical induced dreams.

    It's becoming part of him; will it stop?

    He looks in the mirror and breaks it; He won't be defined by his lifeless reflection.

    No desire to change.

    "I'm damaged goods now"; hysterically chanted.

    Rebellious Prince with no direction.

    Everything he once aspired for means nothing; faith lost.

    Heavy heart sinks; fades.

    He craves deception; for himself and others.

    Soul dies; consumed by emptiness.

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    EnlightenedOne commented on The Suffering Prince


    I got to say i really like this poem , in a way it reminds me of myself and the turmoils i recently went through , i look forward to reading ur future work

    Phoenixtear commented on The Suffering Prince


    States a problem, but no workable solution.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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