Tragic Love Story


  • Lost Love

    Tragic Love Story

    My tragic love story
    Is told in this sad song.
    It all started when
    Things went wrong.

    I was in love,
    Whenever he passed by,
    My heart would race.
    He was my natural high.

    We couldn’t wait to see each other
    And hang out after school.
    Go out to the movies,
    Have fun by the pool.

    He’d always call me
    To see how was my day.
    When I was sad he’d hold me
    And ask if I was okay.

    He’d wait for me in the halls
    And tell me “I love you.”
    I really thought that
    This was my fairy tale come true.

    I thought we were in love,
    And that maybe, just maybe.
    I’d always be his,
    His one and only baby.

    We barely talked
    And we stopped hanging out.
    My mind was filled with nothing
    But loneliness and doubt.

    He likes someone else
    And my whole heart shatters.
    I’d spend all night crying because to me,
    He was the only one that matters.

    After going through
    All of this agonizing pain,
    I realized that without him
    I’d be lost, I’d go insane.

    My days were quiet and gloomy,
    With no more fun and laughter.
    For me this was the end
    Of my happily ever after.

    I couldn’t live like this
    I had to be strong.
    Push through the tears and sorrow,
    I had to move along.

    And now my life story
    Has come to an end.
    It will restart
    When I find true love again.

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    Benjamin commented on Tragic Love Story


    I really like your poem, but I have some ideas on editing it to flow more smoothly. If you're interested in possibly improving this piece just let me know.

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    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

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