A day full of anxiety


A day full of anxiety

A day full of anxiety,

my thoughts wandering around,

like a kite floating in the sky.

A wind blowing in my mind inside,

as if there's no one to guide.

My emotions are getting dumbfounded,

I love not, nor hate,

I weep, I cry, unaware of what is getting by,

I am all alone, no friends nearby.

My feelings rushing and crushing,

tears from my eyes they flow,

as if someone's blaming me,

and my sentiments going to blow.

I know not this feeling,

nor am I hurt by any,

a day full of anxiety,

has left me depressed by thoughts many.

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Phoenix9 commented on A day full of anxiety


very well written, full of emotion, despair and anxiety, that reaches out to you so you can share the feelings, as many can and do relate to this poem, PHOENIX

stever commented on A day full of anxiety


great words ,,love the dispear....an the hopeless feeling ,,, its the same kinda thing im screeming

gogant commented on A day full of anxiety


Being alone and thinking you're alone, is a heavy load to carry. You have a fine poem here with this one, priyan..................................................................................gogant

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

priyanka’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The gust of the autumn wind 4
The moonbeam (Haiku) 2
Shadow 0
Her body (SENRYU) 0
Place to hold my head high 2
A day full of anxiety 4
I remember... 2
Ray of Hope 2