A Fathers Daily Creed


  • Herbthepoet
  • Tanya, welcome! I hope you enjoy reading my work.

Poem Commentary

The responsibilities of a father are demanding. Society has continued to raise the bar in an effort to create awareness in unexplored areas relating to family issues. Many of these areas are focusing on the affects of absent fathers in the family home. Many local church groups have invested time in addressing vital issues to help strengthen the role fathers must play in the family, the home, and in the church.
Fathers are in the best position to lead by example, and show courage, integrity, trust, character, loyalty, respect, and love. It takes a village to raise a child.

A Fathers Daily Creed

A Fathers Daily Creed
by Herbert Hewliss Brown

A father must have faith and a positive attitude.
Tough, yet compassionate and never be rude.
A father must possess many holy values enrich the
lives of others and spread the good news.

Respect the first person of the Trinity and
show true responsibility in today's society.
A fathers daily creed must be lived day-by-day;
with optimism, enthusiasm-that never goes away.

Let every father live by this fathers daily creed
so that all those we father will be sure to succeed,

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In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.