origionalmerlin’s Profile

  • Age: private
  • Location: private
  • Gender: private
  • Country: US
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Born, living and immortal till proven otherwise


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henryb3 profile comment


Knowing you are most private except the reflections in your works.I however hope you are okay and if you do not return a proper thank you for sharing

Justrick profile comment


Thank you for the very kind note ... I am very new to this and not sure is some of my poems will even make sense to some. But it helps me to write some of my moods and I guess it's just finding the right words.... thanks again

sammia profile comment


Merlin its been a while since I been on here wanted to stop by and see how ya doing.

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

origionalmerlin’s Poems (66)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Blowing the dust off my muses wings... 0
Best teacher... 1
Center of everything...
The best part of every moment... 14
Gods' Hat Size 3
Occanum, Susquehanna .(.morning with a hint of noon) 2
I am a Chef 3
For Your Information..
Smiling 6
my wish 20
anything less... 7
the choice is us 8
one whole we 9
from a text message to whom i Love 10
if you Think... check what you know... 10
see you always 5
less than half an hour till ...seeing you 2
chocolate mousse cookies and eternity (whichever lasts longer) 5
Oregano The Difference 6
Stainless Union 14
scrambled eggs and the future for breakfast 13
Yes , and Yes Again ! 9
The Birth of the Queen 18
The Queens Repose 33
The Pissed Piskeys Prank 27
little dream 24
Cause The Music To Play 14
Long Live origionalpoet
Pounding Lust 13
Typo Blues 15
Closest Call (part 2 (not fiction or a poem) 1
Closest Call (part 1 (not fiction or a poem) 1
Whisper 2
Enlightenment 1
When She Loves Me 6
All Night 1
Till Your Mind Melts Away (1. warmup) 3
Wings 3
Angels shall sing thee to rest 1
The Coming Of The Queen 0
Mnogiye veshi ( Russian) 1
Dyerzhi moi ruki 1
Momenti lyubvi 1
Now I lay me... 4
meloncholics annonomous 3
Sorry Dante 12
Moments With You. 10
Many Things 4
If the World were a Bed 10
Eternity 16
From the Dream We Soon Shall Awake 22
"All Night AS Well" 10
Presently 3
Eye, I, Aye (bluestoneeat
er collection #1)
The Touch Within 11
(at the stone of never ending) 8
Marathon 4
Flowers 7
Camelot 16
OZ isn't me 12
Hold my hand often 22
Mnogiye veshi (Many things ) 5
Momenti , {Moments of Love } 11
unspoken connotations 9
Coffee and Sex 30
To Kiss a star 33