


Here lie my mommy and daddy in this bed
Daddys thinking broken condom,
Whats going through mommys head?
A week fromthat day
The begining of my days
Inside my perfect mommy
Inside her tiny belly
One month from that day Mommy knows i grow inside
A perfect little gift
To make her life shift
Two months pass by
Barely able to hide
Mommy cant decide
If im good for her or I
Three months now
Im no longer on the low low
Im visable to the world
Mommy thinks im something she cant aford
What is mommy gonna do?
Don't I make her happy?
Oh mommy, things wont be so shabby
Month four
In through the big doors
Mommy why are you crying?
Why are you saying sorry?
Mommy, what are those shiny sharp things?
Doctors in green
Coming to take me
Away from my mommy
Mommy save me
Why arent you stopping them
There goes my eyes that I would see you with
There goes my lips I'd say i love you with
There goes my arms that i would hug you with
Bye bye mommy
I loved you
I thought you loved me yo
Month five
No longer alive
Do you feel the regret yet?
You killed your litttle gift
You sent me away
To a far away place
Month six
Mommy wants it to be fixed
She wants me afterall
To bad you killed your precious gift
Month seven, mommy cries
Month eight, Mommy tries again
Month nine,
If youwanted me, Why make me die.....?

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blindmaster commented on Abortion


I think you got something here that you should really take the time to get it known. Your poem to me is telling the story of a single white pregnant mother whom lives in the trailer parks and is stuggling emotionally through her pregnancy. it is different from other poems I have read becuase you have a unique and real quality that comes through in your poems



This was actually an assignment in my class to show how we feel about abortion and to me abortion is like killing someone who never had the chance to live. Abortion should be considered murder in my mind. That is what i was trying to portray.

SoundingStorm commented on Abortion


Wow. . . well written and. . . stunning. Really makes you think., and feel. Good Job.

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

ladiciusangel’s Poems (9)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Abortion 2
Jump 2
Weed 0
Suicide 1
Suffering 0
Lustfull 2
Lust 3
Late at Night 0
Love and Pain 0