


What is suicide

Suicide is when you want to die

Its when she cuts and she bleeds

For what, to simply feel free

Why does she feel death is the only option

When she can no longer feel any compation

For a while things did seam fine

Untill she baught her very first dime

Soon after she got into new and worse drugs

And then she tried to rip off the wrong thugs

They found out what she was all about

Then they all kicked her out

She got in deap dealing pills

A deal gone bad and she had to kill

She wanted everything overwith and done

So all she could think about was that lonely little gun

One bullet to the head

And she was found dead

Thats it, the end


This is a true story of a girl in the 8th grade. She only had one friend. She was considered a loser so she cut to make things seem better. One day a girl saw her cuts and said that she wasnt the only one. That day she made ten new friends. She got into drugs and moved out to live with her friends.She started ripping them off and of course they found out and kicked her out. She started selling pills to survive and someone tried to short her so she shot her gun and hit this 15 year old right in the chest. She killed him. She got scared and paniked and without thinking shot herself. She was only 14 when this happened. She killed herself on her mothers birthday on March 13, 2006. Two hours after the accident both bodys were found. The only ones that cared that she died were her parents. No one else cared. But the boy had everything to live for. He was a straight A student and his schools basketball star who wanted to be a therapist for children. His life ended walking home from his most succesfull basketball game, at which he was rewarded with a scolarship, and died.

All this happened in a months time. Its amaizing what can and will become of you from trying to fit in. This is something that happens everywere in the world today. Everyday you hear about more and more deaths caused by drugs. This is something that never happened in the past, and now it will never end!

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blindmaster commented on Suicide


Suicide is real and it is something I myself am faced with everyday. I am all to familiar with that girl for I was one of those thugs that sold her the dime and so on.. but again your content and subject matter is great but you could have put more thought into it.



More thought is hard to do when you dont get the full story, but yes it to agree more thought could have been done now. I wasin 7th grade when I wrote this and am now a senior in high school. I didnt have much thought back then. I too relate to this situation, "Jump" is my peronall experiance with it.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

ladiciusangel’s Poems (9)

Title Comments
Title Comments
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Suicide 1
Suffering 0
Lustfull 2
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