Daddy's Gone(from the view of little girls)


  • Family
  • ,
  • Death
  • ,
  • Loss

    Poem Commentary

    This poem is not about me but about all the little girls who lost their fathers 

    Daddy's Gone(from the view of little girls)

    Daddy whispers to me"baby Goodnight"
    Little did i know that would be the last time I looked in his eyes
    That was the night I heard mommy cry
    God took daddy from our lives
    I didn't even get to say goodbye
    I felt my little heart breaking
    I couldn't see why this was happening to me
    God Why?!
    Daddy loved us and he loved his life
    You didn't even give us a warning
    Didn't even get one last smile
    I never knew how hard I could cry
    In my mind this still all seems like a lie, a trick, a game
    Some how thinking that he'll pop up and scream April Fools
    Even though we are clear in the middle of may
    I never want to replay what I felt that day
    and the funeral was a reality check 
    because as they lowered him into the ground 
    I can feel my soul start to drown
    I was suffocating, I just couldn't Breathe
    Swallowing my salty tears
    Daddy left me just standing there
    Then my mind went numb
    and flash backs started to come
    Daddy loved me I know he did
    Hugged me and Gave me constant kisses 
    Told me I was the best daughter he had
    Even if I was the only one
    Daddy won't be there for all my firsts
    Walking down the aisle I'll be cold and alone
    When I have kids Grandpa won't be there to spoil them
    When I need Daddy's advice he won't be around
    He wont be around to teach me to ride a bike
    He won't be there to hold my hand and tell me its okay when I'm afraid
    He won't be there to stare down my Prom Date
    He won't be there when I graduate from school
    I don't know how mommy will make it through
    Daddy was the glue that kept us together
    Now that he's gone
    I'll be lost forever...

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    XxshatteredxX commented on Daddy's Gone(from the view of little girls)


    wow. this poem is very well writen and very emotional. I like the last two lines, "now that he's gone I'll be lost forever..." I enjoyed this poem and I felt the same way when I lost my granpa. He was our glue and now he's gone. Keep up the good work. your a talented writer.



    thank you very much

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    Nataly’s Poems (25)

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